blue riband event在英语中是什么意思?
楼上的,Wiki上不是这么解释的。Blue Riband又称为blue ribbon,在美式英语中多为blue ribbon。早期blue riband是作为奖励颁发给横渡大西洋最快的客运轮船,而这一词本身又是从赛马比赛中借用过来的。blue riband/ribbon这一词是用来形容 something of high quality。
对blue riband event的解释,我就不多说了,看看老外自己是怎么解释的吧:
例句:He won the men's blue-ribbon event, 100 meters freestyle.
Here's the idea.
There were various events in the competition, eg 50 meters, 100 meters, 200 meters, 1000 meters, etc. The 100 meters was the most important event, the highest quality event, probably because all the best swimmers entered the 100 meters.