


身高:208 cm

体重:136 kg


绰号:The Deadman

本名:Mark William Calaway




曾用名:(The) Undertaker, Kane the Undertaker, Mark Callous, Punisher Dice Morgan, The Punisher, Texas Red, The Master of Pain



婚姻:已婚,妻子Michelle Leigh McCool(Michelle McCool)

教练:Don Jardine

终结技:*As The Undertaker ChokeslamHell's Gate (Modified gogoplata) – 2008–presentLast Ride (Elevated powerbomb) – 2000–presentTombstone Piledriver (Kneeling reverse piledriver, followed by a modified pin)Triangle choke – 2003–2008*As "Mean" Mark Callous Callous Clutch (Jaw clutch)Heart punch

常用招式:*Back body drop*Ballistic punching combination*Big boot*Fujiwara armbar*Flying clothesline*Guillotine leg drop onto the chest or back of an apron-hung opponent*Heatseeking Missile (Missile dropkick) – 1984–1990*One-handed clawhold – 1984–1990*No-handed over the top rope suicide dive*Old School (Arm twist ropewalk chop)*Reverse STO*Running DDT*Running flying clothesline, sometimes with a cornered opponent*Running leg drop*Sidewalk slam*Snake Eyes, followed by a running big boot*Takin' Care of Business (Standing dragon sleeper) – 2002–2007*Wrist lock followed by multiple shoulder blocks

冠军次数:* Pro Wrestling IllustratedPWI 1997年500位最佳男子单打选手排行第六名PWI 1998年500位最佳男子单打选手排行第五名PWI 1999年500位最佳男子单打选手排行第八名PWI 2002年500位最佳男子单打选手排行第二名PWI 2007年500位最佳男子单打选手排行第五名PWI 2008年500位最佳男子单打选手排行第六名PWI 2010年500位最佳男子单打选手排行第八名* United States Wrestling AssociationUSWA统一世界重量级冠军(1次)* World Class Wrestling AssociationWCWA德州重量级冠军(1次)* World Wrestling Federation / World Wrestling EntertainmentWWE世界重量级冠军(3次)WWF/E冠军(4次)WWF硬核冠军(1次)WWF双打冠军(6次) – with Steve Austin (1), The Big Show (2), The Rock (1) and Kane (2)WCW双打冠军(1次) – with Kane皇家大战(2007年)


*New Japan Pro Wrestling

"Miracle Man" by Ozzy Osbourne

*National Wrestling Alliance

"China White" by Scorpions

*World Championship Wrestling

"China White" by Scorpions

*World Wrestling Federation/Entertainment/WWE

"Funeral March" by Jim Johnston(based off Chopin's piece) (November 19, 1990 – January 22, 1994)

"The Grim Reaper" by Jim Johnston (August 29, 1994 – November 13, 1995)

"Graveyard Symphony" by Jim Johnston (November 19, 1995 – July 20, 1998; January 11, 1999 – March 22, 1999)

"Dark Side" by Jim Johnston (July 26, 1998 – December 13, 1998)

"Ministry" by Jim Johnston (March 28, 1999 – September 23, 1999)

"American Bad Ass" by Kid Rock (May 21, 2000 – December 4, 2000)

"Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle)" by Limp Bizkit (December 10, 2000 – May 6, 2002; March 30 2003)

"Dead Man" by Jim Johnston (May 19, 2002 – September 19, 2002)

"You're Gonna Pay" by Jim Johnston (September 22, 2002 – November 16, 2003)

"Rest in Peace" by Jim Johnston (March 14, 2004 – February 21, 2011, January 30, 2012 - Present)

"Ain't No Grave (Gonna Hold This Body Down)" by Johnny Cash (March 7, 2011 – April 3, 2011)


1991年 WrestleMania VII 战胜 Jimmy Snuka

1992年 WrestleMania VIII 战胜 Jake Roberts

1993年 WrestleMania IX 战胜 Giant Gonzales

1995年 WrestleMania XI 战胜 King Kong Bundy

1996年 WrestleMania XII 战胜 Diesel

1997年 WrestleMania 13 战胜 Sycho Sid

1998年 WrestleMania XIV 战胜 Kane

1999年 WrestleMania XV 战胜 The Big Boss Man

2001年 WrestleMania X-Seven 战胜 Triple H

2002年 WrestleMania X8 战胜 Ric Flair

2003年 WrestleMania XIX 战胜 Big Show & A-Train

2004年 WrestleMania XX 战胜 Kane

2005年 WrestleMania 21 战胜 Randy Orton

2006年 WrestleMania 22 战胜 Mark Henry

2007年 WrestleMania 23 战胜 Batista

2008年 WrestleMania XXIV 战胜 Edge

2009年 WrestleMania 25 战胜 Shawn Michaels

2010年 WrestleMania XXVI 战胜 Shawn Michaels

2011年 WrestleMania XXVII 战胜 Triple H

2012年 WrestleMania XXVIII 战胜 Triple H



在1990年适者生存上,Undertaker以Ted DiBiase的“百万美元之队”最后成员的身份首次亮相,从那之后,UT便成为了WWE冠军与世界重量级冠军名单上的常客,摔角狂热上至今不败,19比0,前无古人,后,恐怕也无来者。

Undertaker在四方擂台中取得的辉煌数不胜数,Shawn Michaels,Triple H,"Stone Cold" Steve Austin,Randy Orton,Bret "Hit Man" Hart,The Rock,Edge,无一不曾从他手上败下阵来。


除了在单打领域的成功,送葬者的双打经历也堪称辉煌,在与他关系复杂的经纪人Paul Bearer的大肆宣传下,黑暗领主声名鹊起。在Undertaker的冒险之路上,荣誉冠军数不胜数。The Rock,"Stone Cold" Steve Austin,Big Show,还有与他组成毁灭兄弟的Kane,都曾成为他的双打冠军搭档。


