
Once a time,i chated with my japanese workmates.I wanted to talk about cat,but i can't say it in japanese.i started to imitate cat's voice as "miao,miao".to my surprise,she completely cofused with me.finally,i drawed a cat on paper,she immediately understood.she said:"Oh,it's cat!but your imitation isn't like cat's voice at all.they never make voice like 'miao'"i asked her to do it,then she groveled on table and did it:"nya,nya.."i cant help to laughing:"is it cat?"at this time,i heard the same voice,it was a pretty cat near the door.i was shaked:japanese cat really make voice like"nya"!

afterwards,i walked on street in japan when i found every cat there make voice like nya,whatever color the cat is.

i have been several nations and seen many different cats.in my opinion,japanese cat's voice is particular from any other country.

刚到日本,到一女同事家聊天,说猫,不会这个单词,就学猫叫“喵~~喵~~”,心想这下子行了吧。那位小姐一脸的茫然,就是琢磨不出来这是个什么动物。好在多少学过点儿美术,说不明白干脆三下五除二画出个好猫咪咪来,顿作恍然大悟。然后就说,这是猫嘛。-- 可是,你们学叫声可是不象,猫怎么会喵喵的叫呢?那您学学。那小姐就趴在桌子上神形兼备的学起来:涅呀,涅呀...”天,这是猫嘛?兄弟就想笑。正在这时,我就听见“涅呀,涅呀。。。”回头一看,门道里走进一只漂亮的大花猫来。晕阿,日本的猫真的这样叫!后来走在大街上,才发现日本的猫们的确不懂得喵喵的叫法,不论黑的,白的,还是花的,个个涅呀涅呀的叫得欢兄弟也算走过几个地方,不算咱们本国,美国,印度,新加坡,哪里的猫都是喵喵叫,看来涅呀涅呀的叫法,是日本猫的独特方言了。
