不费力地英文:Effortlessly; no sweat; with ease; in a breeze; lightly。
不费力的Effortless,毫不费力的Effortless,容易的不费力Easy and effortless,做什么事情都毫不费力Everything is effortless,白费力气In vain。
我毫不费力就找到了那个公园。I found the park without any difficulty。毫不费力的解决了这个问题。It solved the problem effortlessly。当我们费力赶到车站时。When we managed to get to the station。
费时费力。Time consuming and laborious。费力地前进。Move forward with difficulty。容易的 不费力。Easy and effortless。容易的不费力。Easy and effortless。困难的费力。Difficult effort。费力做某事。Take pains to do sth。