★ English name: Jason
★昵称 :小杰、杰宝、张小杰、杰王子、杰娃子、 包子 、包包、杰仔、杰包子、 小白 、张校长、张大厨、张主任、张先生、小树、张同学。 ★ Nickname: Jack-Jack, Jie Bao, Zhang Xiaojie, Jie Wang, Jie Wazi, steamed buns, bags, Jie Zi, Jie dumplings, Little White, Professor Chang, Chang chef, Director Zhang Zhang, trees, Zhang classmates.
★ 性别 :男 ★ Gender: Male
★民族 :汉族 ★ National: Han
★籍贯 :中国四川省成都市新都区新繁镇 ★ Birthplace: China's Sichuan Province, Chengdu, Xindu District of New Town Fan
★生日 :1982年12月20日 ★ Birthday: December 20, 1982
★星座 : 射手座 ★ Constellation: Sagittarius
★血型: O型 ★ Blood Type: O Type
★身高 :180cm ★ Height: 180cm
★体重 :63kg ★ Weight: 63kg
★百度ID:张杰wxwx ★ Baidu ID: Zhang Jie wxwx
★学历 :大学本科 ★ Education: Bachelor
★学位: 管理学学士 ★ Degree: Bachelor of Management
★曾就读学校 : 四川师范大学旅游与艺术设计系(旅游与酒店管理专业本科) ★ have attended school: Sichuan Normal University, Department of Tourism and Art and Design (Bachelor of Tourism and Hotel Management)
★语言 : 普通话 、 四川话 、 英语 、少许湖南话和广东话 ★ Languages: Mandarin, Sichuan, then English, a few words in Hunan and Cantonese
★职业 : 歌手演员作家 ★ Occupation: singer actor writer
★专长 : 十项全能 , 能歌善舞 ,尤以高音见长 ★ Expertise: 10 Dance, sing and dance, especially treble reflexes
★兴趣爱好 : 唱歌 、 舞蹈 、 篮球 、电玩、网游、各种乐器( 电子琴 , 吉他等) ★ Interests: singing, dancing, basketball, video games, online games, all kinds of instruments (keyboard, guitar, etc.)
★喜欢的人:星星们、爸爸妈妈、 ★ favorite people: the stars who have Mom and Dad,
★性格 :个性低调内敛、积极上进,善良,坚强,执着、永不放弃、敢于为梦想奋斗、稍有羞涩,单纯,可爱、感恩,孝顺, ★ personality: low-key introverted personality, ambitious, kind, strong, persistent, never give up, dare to dream of fighting, a little shy, simple, cute, thanksgiving, filial piety,
★对自己的评价 :真诚、谦虚、实力、孝顺 ★'s self evaluation: sincerity, humility, strength, filial piety
★人生格言 :过去属于死神,未来属于自己! ★ Life motto: In the past belongs to death, the future of their own!
★座右铭 :我为音乐而生。 ★ motto: I am born for music.
★口头禅 :哇;你可以的;JIE~(这种声音);你知道吗(采访中) ★ mantra: wow; you to; JIE ~ (the sound); you know (interview)
★注册商标: 黑手套 (特别是单只黑手套) ★ Registered Trademarks: black gloves (especially a single black gloves)
★家庭成员 :父亲、母亲还有爷爷 ★ family members: father, mother, there is Grandpa
★圈中好友: 谢娜 , 何炅 , 魏晨 , 王栎鑫 , 陆虎 , 吉杰 , 王铮亮 , 苏醒 , 李宇春 , 王力宏 , 汪涵 , 李维嘉 , 沈凌 , 韩庚 , 阿穆隆 , 吴克群 , 杜海涛 , 吴昕 , 黄磊 , 许智伟 , 曹轩宾 , 常石磊 , 刘吉宁 , 谭维维 , 马天宇 , 帅霖 , 姜辉 , 张嘉倪 , 胡海泉 , 至上励合等。 ★ circle of friends: Xie Na, He Jiong, Wei Chen, Xin Wang oak, Land Rover, Gitye, Wang Zheng Liang, wake, Li Yuchun, Wang Lee Hom, Wang Han, Liwei Jia, Shen Ling, Han Geng, amulung, Kenji Wu, Du Haitao, Wu Xin, Huang Lei , Xu Zhiwei, Cao Xuan-Bin, Chang Shi Lei, Liu Geneen, Tan Weiwei, Ma Tianyu, Shuai-lin, JIANG Hui, Chia Ni, Hu Hai-Quan, Top Combine so.
★ 粉丝昵称 : 星星 (小小星\学生星\国宝星(男星星)\姐姐星\奶奶星\港星\海星(国外的星星)\散星);蓝精灵 ★ fans Nickname: Star (Little Star \ student sing \ David Star (M star) \ sisters sing \ grandmother sing \ Hong Kong star \ starfish (foreign stars) \ casual stars); Blue Wizard
★粉丝代表颜色:蓝色 ★ fans on behalf of Color: Blue
★最喜欢的颜色 :蓝色黑色白色 ★ Favorite color: blue black white
★最喜欢的花 :蓝色妖姬 ★ Favorite flower: BLUELOVER
★最喜欢的食物 :红烧的。 ★ Favorite Food: roast of. 反正是红烧的都喜欢吃,特别是妈妈做的土豆烧排骨,土豆炖粉条;魔芋烧鸭 Because it is braised's like to eat, especially the mother's potato burning ribs, potatoes, stewed vermicelli; Konjac duck
★最讨厌的水果 : 榴莲 ★ The most annoying fruit: durian
★最喜欢的动物 :小狗(小乖) ★ Favorite Animal: dog (little angel)
★最害怕的动物 :蜘蛛 ★ most afraid of animals: spiders
★最崇拜的偶像: MJ(Michael Jackson 迈克尔·杰克逊)、张学友、小虎队(小时候的偶像) ★ most admired idols: MJ (Michael Jackson Michael Jackson), Jacky Cheung, the Little Tigers (childhood idol)
★最喜欢的影星 : 周星驰 ★ Favorite actor: Stephen Chow
★最喜欢的歌手 : 迈克尔·杰克逊 , 张学友 , Justin Timberlake , Beyond ★ Favorite singer: Michael Jackson, Jacky Cheung, Justin Timberlake, Beyond
★最想去的地方 : 加拿大 ★ most want to go places: Canada
★最喜欢的饰品 :金属饰品,半指手套 ★ Favorite Jewelry: Metal Jewelry, half-finger gloves
★最出名的歌曲 :《 北斗星的爱 》《 天下 》《 明天过后 》《 看月亮爬上来 》《 穿越人海 》《 何必在一起 》《量身订做》《 勿忘心安 》《 最美的太阳 》《我们都一样》 ★ most famous song: "Big Dipper's love" "the world" "The Day After Tomorrow" "look at the moon climbed up to" "through the sea" "Why together," "tailor-made" "Do not forget peace of mind" "the most beautiful sun" "We are all different"
★最新单曲: 8090的歌,哭砂,看月亮爬上来, 龙鳞 ,勿忘心安,穿越人海 ★ Latest singles: 8090's songs, Kusha, watching the moon climb up, the Dragon Scale, do not forget peace of mind, across the sea