

Dear diary 亲爱的日记

My dance is almost complete 我这场舞已近尾声

Raindrops are falling One by one 雨不停地下

The sun rises By then 在日出前的那一刻

I will be gone… 我将消逝

But I think I have fallen for her 但我想 我已彻底爱上她

If it is true 如果这是真的

The dance cannot be complete 将无法结束这场舞

If it is true 如果这是真的

I will have to sacrifice myself 我只能牺牲自己

But I know my love for her 但我知道 我献给她的爱

It is true 是真实的

The sun sets with warm exhilaration 看见日落的春光

It soothes my breathing 呼吸也将复杂

It is said 拂洛依德梦的启示

Only after the ceasing conversation 在停止对话之后

Those one sacrifice a love beyond comparison 才是开始奉献出至高无上的爱

The soul talks with the soul 灵魂和灵魂之间安定交谈

Selfless sublimation 无私的升华

Brings us closer together 让彼此更亲近拥有

Are you cold? 你会冷吗

Are you afraid of darkness? 你害怕黑暗吗

Can you hear me talking to you? 你听得见我跟你说的话吗

I’ve always know it 一直都知道

That you know me well 你很了解我

You know in the way depths at my heart 很明白最深处

The fire that about to burn 将要点燃的火苗

I’m about to show you my recitation 我将带领你看见全新的视野

The warmth that has come from deep within 那温暖必定从心底燃起

Let it spread on 继续地扩散

Let it surround 不断地包围

Right now 此时的你

I know you must be so glad 一定开心地对我低声呢喃

Whispering to me 轻轻地说著

如果这是爱的表现 If this is love,

我愿意奉献一切 I will sacrifice myself

成就你伟大的爱 to fulfill your great love