类型:虚拟人物 神出于:魔兽世界人物属性:中文名:艾露恩英文名:Elune性别:女阵营:神职称:治疗者人物介绍艾露恩是艾泽拉斯世界中最强大的不朽者和唯一的真神--Warcraft RPG: Shadow & Light将她的位阶定义为85级的治疗者。她尽力避免任何形式争斗的产生。在暗夜精灵面前她总是伪装成一位皮肤微微泛光的女性暗夜幽灵。她的眼睛是纯净月光的银色,遮蔽手臂,胸口,腿部的长袍同样装饰着银色的珠宝。从夜晚到日出,艾露恩用她和平的歌声让忙于战争的种族恢复宁静。她能够治疗或者赐予追随者带有愈合能力的赐福。同样,她也能够使死者复生。艾露恩从未在物质位面以物质形态现身,她总是以幽灵影像的方式出现在凡人梦中,或者直接成像在信徒的意识中。艾露恩保护着所有的生物并让他们繁衍生息。她用自己的宁静影响力避免了许多种族之间的冲突。艾露恩,玛洛恩和塞纳留斯帮助早期的暗夜精灵在进化中不受永恒之井奥术魔法的堕落引诱。尽管如此,艾萨拉和她的高等精灵仍然被井的魔法所污染走向堕落。人物历史上古之战后,玛法理奥破坏了永恒之井。大地震将苏拉马的整个中部丛林和金-艾萨里沉入水底,只留下一道混沌能量的永恒伤疤--被称为大漩涡的风暴地带。大灾变导致火山苏醒并向大气中喷射熔岩和火山灰。在历史上,上古之战最后的这一时期被称为天崩地裂,整个艾泽拉斯世界进入了一个黑暗纪元。大气中的火山灰将太阳遮蔽了八千年之久。包括玛洛恩、乌索尔、乌索克、阿迦玛甘在内的多数上古不朽者都在对抗燃烧军团的战斗中牺牲了。在这几千年里,艾露恩帮助治愈大地的创伤并让自然的生机重回这个世界。在儿子塞纳留斯的帮助下,艾露恩最终治愈了大地,在3000年前,大气中的灰尘散尽,太阳重新出现在艾泽拉斯的天空中。巨魔,人类和新近苏醒的土灵们总算从八千年的黑冷世界中幸存了下来。就在这个和平协调的新时代即将来临之时,新的威胁随着高精灵教导人类魔法的使用而从地平线迫近。部分人类肆意的使用魔法再次引起了恶魔的注意,直接导致了千年后燃烧军团的二次入侵。Elune is the major deity worshipped by the night elves. She is associated with the larger of Azeroth's two moons, the White Lady, and is the biological mother of Cenarius. In Tauren mythology, She is known as Mu'sha, and is the left eye of the Earthmother.Formal worship of Elune dates back about 14,000 years, before the rise of Azshara and the Highborne, though She was certainly worshipped long before that, probably by the most primitive of Kaldorei. Her original cult center was near Zin-Azshari, but the Sisters of Elune moved the temple to Suramar when it was clear Azshara cared more for the luxury of herself and the Highborne than anyone else. After Suramar fell, Elune was the main source of hope for the millions of refugees fleeing the Burning Legion. Elune's worship was essentially universal (no cult centers) for the Night Elves in the ten thousand years between the War of the Ancients and the Third War (the Long Vigil). The center of her worship is now the Temple of the Moon in Darnassus. Tyrande Whisperwind is her High Priestess, but many Priestesses, and for the first time, male priests, are found throughout the world, ready to heal war-weary Azeroth with her light.