Faulty Tower: Tenure and the Structure of Higher Education一书的第一章The Origins of Tenure(Tenure制度的起源)的第一小节叫做Tenure is not new(Tenure制度并不新鲜),讨论的是上面提到的美国大学现代Tenure制度之前的所谓“事实Tenure制度”的常态。这一章的第二小节叫做A Desire for Higher Standards(追求较高的标准),讨论的是1915年AAUP推荐施行现代Tenure制度的主要目的和精神。这一小节中说:
The AAUP was founded in 1915 by faculty in secure positions at leading universities who suffered no employment threat from the lack of formal tenure; they lived under the system of presumptive permanence. As distiguished scholars, all could easily find comparable positions at other colleges.
Given the AAUP leaders' incentives at that time and the tenor of their discussion on the record,it is clear that they belived a tenure track would avoid the problems created by the prevailing "presumptive permanace" rule then in place. That is, leading scholars wanted to be sure they did not have to tolerate nonproductive colleagues imposed on them by administrators who did not know or care about quality within a given discipline. The adoption of tenure tracks was intended to raise the standards for faculty. "If this profession should prove itself unwilling to purge its ranks of the incompetent and the unworthy, or to prevent the freedom which it claims in the name of science from being used as a shelter for inefficiency, for superficiality, or for uncritical and intemperate partisanship, it is certain that the task will be performed by others...who lack certain essential qualification for performing it" ("Committee Report on Academic Freedom" 1915, 34").
试译:按照AAUP的领袖们的动机和他们记录下来的讨论的要旨,非常清楚的事情是他们相信通过Tenure Track的办法能够避免当时普遍存在的“预设的的永久雇佣”制度造成的问题。也就是说,学术界的大牛们想要保证他们自己不需要忍受那些由不了解或者不关心特定学术领域的质量的大学行政人员强加于他们中间的缺乏学术产出能力的同事。采用Tenure Track是为了提高教员的水准。“如果这一行当表明他们不愿意自己清理门户,剔除那些无能的和无价值的人,或者去阻止以科学的名义获得的(学术)自由被做无用功、浅薄行为或者缺乏评判能力和无节制的派别偏见的人滥用,可以肯定的是别人就会来实施这一任务...但这些人却缺乏特定的重要资质来实施这一任务。”
正因为是出于维护学术标准的目的,避免让任何阿猫阿狗都能获得终身职,扰乱学术界的标准,美国大学教授联盟(AAUP)在1915年推荐的Tenure Track时间是十年。这一期限到1940年左右才改为七年,一直延续到现在。在Tenure Track的期间内,年轻人必须在学术界充分证明自己的学术能力,然后才能获得Tenure。这正是为什么在美国学术界年轻人基本上都在老老实实地做学问,积累自己在学术界获得终身职位的资格,而不是在像科学网这样的地方没大没小地胡说八道,或者无病呻吟。