求命运规划局 最后男女主角从高塔上下来了、然后哈利说的那段中英文字幕

most people live life on the path we set for them(大多数人按照我们设定好的轨迹生活)

too afraid to expore an other (过于害怕,而不敢进行新的尝试)

but once in a while ,people like you come along who koock down all the abstacles we put in your way(但是时不时的,总会有你这样的人出现,冲破所有我们设置好的障碍)

people who realize free will is a gift you will never know how to use until you fight for it (人们会发现,自由意志这份礼物,只有在你为之奋斗之后,才能学会如何去运用它)

i think that is the chairman's real plan(我认为这才是主席的真正意图)

and maybe oneday (也许有一天)we won‘t write the plan (计划不再由我们书写)you will (而是你们).
