
From the towering plateau wrote is the way,

我是冰山上的一朵雪莲; I am the snow lotus flower on the tip;

从碧波环抱的宝岛走来, Came from the island surrounded by blue,

我是海风中的一只乳燕; I am the sea breeze in a Ruyan;

从苍苍茫茫的草原走来, Came from the grasslands of the vast gray,

我是蓝天下翱翔的雏鹰; I was under the blue sky flying Eagles;

从七沟八梁的黄土坡走来, Eight beams from seven loess slope ditch came

我是黄河边鲜嫩的山丹丹。 I am the Yellow River fresh Zedong.

啊! Ah! 神州大地生长的希望, The growth of the vast land of hope,

我们是中华的少年! We are China's young!

九曲黄河让我懂得百折不回, Nine of the Yellow River I know, tough and focused

莽莽昆仑使我学会立地顶天, Site Kunlun so I learned vast heaven,

教我纯洁的是北国的雪花, Taught me is pure snow north,

教我热情的是南疆的红棉。 My passion is to teach the southern border of the Cotton Tree.

龙的故土,民族的摇篮, Dragon's homeland, the cradle of the nation,

锦绣山川,我们的家园。 Beautiful mountains, our home.

到刚劲端庄的方块字里, To a dignified Chinese character in bold,

感受“水浒”“三国”的英雄豪气; Feel the "Water Margin", "three" heroes heroic;

到如歌如画的唐诗宋词中, To the picturesque poetry Cantabile in

领略枫桥的钟声,大漠的孤烟; A taste of Maple bell, Smoke in the desert;

在外婆的歌谣里牙牙学语, The songs in the grandmother's babbling,

女娲、大禹的故事萦绕耳畔; Nu Wa, haunting story of Yu the ears;

在爷爷的臂弯下蹒跚学步, In Grandpa's arms under the toddler,

冬子、雷锋的脚印引我向前。 Dongzi, Lei Feng's footprints lead me forward.

丙丁炎黄子孙,中华儿女, Bingding descendants, sons and daughters,

黑眼睛黄皮肤,不改的容颜。 Black eyes and yellow skin, do not change the appearance.

五月端阳,心随龙舟把诗魂追赶, Dragon Boat Festival in May, the heart soul to catch up with the boat to poetry,

八月中秋,借皎皎圆月遥寄思念。 Mid-Autumn Festival in August, sent away by the shining moon miss.

敖包会上,射箭摔跤,尽显小牧民的强悍; Obo meeting, wrestling, archery, filling the small herders tough;

手捧哈达,欢歌劲舞,献给朋友美好的祝愿。 Hada hands, song and dances, dedicated friend and best wishes.

丙东方之美滋养着龙的传人, C nourishes the beauty of the East Legend of the Dragon,

五千年文化植根在我们心田。 Five thousand years of culture rooted in our hearts.

我们铭记着中华母亲的功德, We remember the Chinese mother's merit,

更不忘她承受的千灾百难。 She also did not forget to take a hundred thousand disaster difficult.

黄河纤夫拉不直问号般的身躯, Yellow question mark-like fiber Fraser's body is not straight,

长城的古砖挡不住洋炮的弹片。 Great Wall Guzhuan stop foreign gun shrapnel.

啊!是七月的星火,南湖的航船, Ah! Is the spark of July, the ship of South Lake,

让东方雄狮从噩梦中奋起。 Eastern Lions to rise from a nightmare.

先驱者的热血复苏了千年冻土, Recovery of the pioneers of the blood frozen for a thousand years,

神州才露出青春的笑脸, Only reveal the smiling faces of youth, Divine,

“春天的故事”响彻大江南北, "Story of Spring" resounded through the major north

中华啊!展开了崭新的画卷。 Chinese ah! Launched a new picture.

今天,历史和未来将由我们焊接, Today, the history and the future we will be welding,

时代的接力棒要靠我们相传站在新的起跑线上响亮回答: According to legend, the times we rely on the baton at a new starting line resounding answer:

少年要谱写中华更璀璨的诗篇! More bright young Chinese want to write poems!

抒发感情(7--8) To express the feelings (7 - 8)

不期望脚下处处阳关道, Everywhere perfectly normal paths do not expect the foot,

不幻想头顶一片艳阳天, Sunny is not a fantasy head,

不迷恋父兄给予的蜜罐温床, Not obsessed father and brother for their honeypot hotbeds

不忘记“最危险的时候”战歌飞旋! Do not forget "the most dangerous time," Battle Hymn of the spinner!

要做旗舰去长风破浪, Flagship to the great ambition to do,

要做火箭去推动飞船, To be done to promote the rocket ship,

要像利剑把贫穷斩断, Like a sword to cut off the poor,

要用爱心把世界相连。 The world is connected by love.

听,芦笙和唢呐一齐吹响, Listen, Lusheng and suona sounded together,

看,乳燕和雏鹰比翼联翩。 Look, Ruyan, and Foal Eagle joint Pina wing to wing.

五十六朵鲜花竞相开放, Fifty-six flowers bloom,

装点祖国万里大花园。 Decorate garden country thousands of miles.

让先辈的英灵自豪地惊叹: Let the souls of ancestors proudly exclaimed:

啊!这就是我的中华! Ah! This is my Chinese!

这就是中华的少年! This is China's young!