梦剧院乐队Dream Theater The Best Of Times的问题




Place of residence:居住地:

Joensuu, Finland 芬兰


Spending time with my family. Playing drums.






Musical background:音乐背景:

First I started to play drums in the age of 11 but couldn't really practise since I didn't had a place to rehearse in. So basically I just played some exercises by hitting couch or what ever proper target was available. My first band in the age of 11 or 12 was called "The Highway" and it really rocked... =) Then on the age of 15 or 16 I got in to my first band. We got a practising place where we could play couple of times a week. After quiting in this band we started playing together with Emppu and got a permanent rehearsal-place. This was a bless since from then on we were able to play every day if we felt so. And we did play a lot. First we played some Finnish rock but quite soon got into more heavier stuff like Stratovarius, Helloween and Yngwie Malmsteen. On the age of 17 (if I remember right) Tuomas and Emppu asked me to join a project called Nightwish and the rest is History.

我在11岁开始学习打鼓,但一直不能真正的投入练习,直到我拥有排练的地方。所以最初,我只能借助可以利用的东西进行练习。我参与的第一个乐队是在我11到12岁时组建的,叫做“高速公路”,那是一个真正的摇滚乐队。然后,到我15,16岁时,我加入到乐队。我们有排练场所,一周可以练两次。退出这个乐队后,我和Emppu(NIGHTWISH吉他手)继续一起演奏并且拥有了一个完全永久属于自己的排练场所,从那以后,我们可以每天随心所欲的排练。我们经常练。起初,我们练一些芬兰摇滚,但很快,我们就改练一些重型的音乐,像灵云(芬兰著名重金属乐队),万圣节(德国著名金属乐队)以及 因格威 马尔马斯汀(世界吉他大师)。如果没记错,在我17岁时Tuomas(NIGHTWISH键盘手,乐队主创、核心人物)和Emppu邀请我加入一个叫做NIGHTWISH的乐队,这就是过去的历史。


Tama Starclassic Maple drums : 塔马 古典之星 槭树牌 架子鼓

Paiste Cymbals : Paiste铙钹

Pro Mark 5B Sticks : Pro Mark 5B 鼓锤

Idols in music:音乐榜样

Nowadays there are no particular idols. I more follow bands as a whole. On the early days biggest influences came from Mike Portnoy of Dream Theater and J?rg Michael of Stratovarius.

现在没有什么特别的偶像。我什么乐队的歌都听。早先给我影响最大的是梦剧院的鼓手Mike Portnoy ,和灵云的鼓手J?rg Michael

Idols in life:生活榜样

All the people who understand to enjoy their lives and treat other people well.


Life philosophy:人生哲理

Treat others like you want them to treat you.


Place you would like to go:想去的地方

Pyramids in Egypt.埃及金字塔

What makes you laugh:什么使你欢笑

My daughter Luna and Ewo our manager.


First record you bought:购买的第一张专集

Might have been Sepultura's Arise.


All time top 5 albums:你认为的五张最好专集

Gladiator - Soundtrack

Dream Theater - Images And Words

Metallica - Black Album

Pantera - Vulgar Display Of Power

Dream Theater - Scenes From A Memory

Personal highlight with Nightwish:你在NIGHTWISH风光的时候

First European Tour in 1999.


Best Nightwish show so far:NIGHTWISH最好的一次演出

Hartwall Arena on 21st October 2005.

2005年10月21号 在Hartwall Arena

Killing time on tour:巡演路上打发时间的方式

Drinking and watching movies.


Preparation for a show:演出前准备什么

A few beers during the day and just before the show a proper boost by J?germeister.


Strangest experience on tour:糟糕的经历

We were almost forced to cancel the show in Portugal since promotor tried to fuck us. He didn't pay our fee and we were forced to stay in a hotel until he did pay it. The show was delayed but fortunately we got to play.


Worst nightmare on stage:在舞台上最糟糕的经历

I loose the click and we play in a different timing with the background-tape. And when I shout Tero to shut it up he doesn't hear me and we keep on playing totally wrong.


Worst nightmare in general:将来的最糟糕是

Something bad would happen to my family.


Favorite Nightwish song:最喜欢的NIGHTWISH的歌

Ghost Love Score

Favorite band/musician:最爱的乐队/乐手

Band must be Pantera. Musician... I don't know. There are so many I appreciate. Let's list a few. Dimebag Darrell, Hans Zimmer and Alexi Laiho.

最喜欢潘多拉。乐手....我不知道。很多喜欢的。可以列出一个单子。Dimebag Darrell(如果你不认识他,你不配说你听过金属),Hans Zimmer 和Alexi Laiho

Favorite book:最喜欢的书

The Dirt《肮脏》

Favorite drink:最喜欢的饮品

J?germeister with Red Bull


Favorite food:最喜欢的食物

Indian food印第安食品

Favorite movie:最喜欢的电影


Favorite TV show:最喜欢的电视节目

American Chopper

Dumbest question you have ever been asked:你被问起的最愚蠢问题

Actualy this is not a dumb question. This is extremely good question which was asked by my daughter Luna. She once asked "Is our house outside or inside?". Think about it and if you'll find an answer please let me know.


感觉我的回答还不错就请采纳我的回答吧 谢谢啦!