1、N-UNCOUNT You use reality to refer to real things or the real nature of things rather than imagined, invented, or theoretical ideas.现实。
2、N-COUNT Therealityof a situation is the truth about it, especially when it is unpleasant or difficult to deal with.(尤指令人不快或难对付的)真实情形。
3、N-SING You say that something has become a reality when it actually exists or is actually happening.事实存在;真实发生的事。
4、PHRASE You can use in reality to introduce a statement about the real nature of something, when it contrasts with something incorrect that has just been described.事实上;实际上。
in reality实际上;事实上。virtual reality虚拟现实。social reality社会现实;社会实体;社会实在。reality show真人秀;逼真的表演(真实);(根据真实故事制作而成的)社会传真节目。sense of reality真实感。reality tv现实电视。