有耐心点、慢慢来、随遇而安…英文 怎么说?当你想要用英文叫你的朋友不要急躁,做事情慢慢来,或是当对方遇到问题,你想安慰对方,告诉对方船到桥头自然直,你该怎么用英文表达呢?
1.Take things as they e. 随遇而安、既来之则安之Take things as they e. 有点像是,来什么就接受什么的意思,像是中文里面的既来之则安之的意思。
另外,你也可以说 Take it as it es. 意思差不多。
例: Take it as it es. Take things as they e. 随遇而安、既来之则安之
注意,上面这几句英文跟 take it easy. 意思是不一样的唷,take it easy 的教学可以参考下面文章。
2.Take it one day at a time. 顺其自然,不为未来计划Take it one day at a time. 的中文意思是指顺其自然的意思,也就是事情来了再面对,不事先做计画,或是可以说是随遇而安的意思。
或是你也可以说 Take things one day at a time. 意思差不多。
例: Take it one day at a time. Take things one day at a time. 顺其自然、随遇而安
3.Good things e to him who waits. 好事降临在愿等待的人身上这句英文如同字面上的意思,就是指好事会发生在有耐心、愿意等的人身上。当你想叫别人有耐心点、慢慢来,你就可以这样对他说。或是你也可以说:Good things e to those who wait. 意思差不多。
例: Good things e to those who wait. 好事降临在愿等待的人身上
4.One step at a time. 一步一步来One step at a time. 是指叫别人慢慢来的意思,也就是别急,一次做一点,不需要非常急躁。或是你也可以说 One day at a time. 意思差不多。
例: One day at a time. One step at a time. 一步一步来。
5. Patience is a virtue. 耐心是美德跟字面上意思一样,这句就是中文里面的: 耐心是美德。想要叫别人慢慢来,要有耐心,你也可以这样跟对方说。
例: Patience is a virtue. 耐心是美德
6.All in good time. 别急、快了如果你告诉某人:All in good time. 意思是指你叫对方别急,事情该发生时就会发生。
例: In good time. All in good time. Everything in its time. There’s a time for everything. 会发生终究会发生
7.It will work out in the end. 事情终究会明朗的It will work out in the end. 跟字面上的意思一样,就是指最终一切都会有答案的。
下面各种口语说法跟 It will work out in the end. 意思差不多,你也可以这样说:
例: Everything will e together. Everything will fall together. Everything will fall into place. Everything will work itself out. I am confident it will all work out. 事情终会有结果/答案的。
1.Take things as they e. 随遇而安、既来之则安之 2.Take it one day at a time. 顺其自然,不为未来计划 3.Good things e to him who waits. 好事降临在愿等待的人身上 4.One step at a time. 一步一步来 5. Patience is a virtue. 耐心是美德 6.All in good time. 别急、快了 7.It will work out in the end. 事情终究会明朗的
别急 英文, 慢慢来 英文, 既来之则安之 英文, 耐心点 英文, 船到桥头自然直 英文, 随遇而安 英文