热带雨林旅游景点介绍英语 关于热带雨林的资料英语


A tropical rainforest is an ecosystem type that occurs roughly within the latitudes 28 degrees north or south of the equator (in the equatorial zone between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn). This ecosystem experiences high average temperatures and a significant amount of rainfall. Rainforests can be found in Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico and on many of the Pacific, Caribbean, and Indian Ocean islands. Within the World Wildlife Fund's biome classification, tropical rainforests are thought to be a type of tropical wet forest (or tropical moist broadleaf forest) and may also be referred to as lowland equatorial evergreen rainforest.

History Tropical rainforests:

Tropical rainforests have existed on Earth for hundreds of millions of years. Most tropical rainforests today are on fragments of the Mesozoic era supercontinent of Gondwana. The separation of the landmass resulted in a great loss of amphibian diversity while at the same time the drier climate spurred the diversification of reptiles. The division left tropical rainforests located in five major regions of the world: tropical America, Africa, Southeast Asia, Madagascar, and New Guinea, with smaller outliers in Australia. However, the specifics of the origin of rainforests remain uncertain due to an incomplete fossil record.

Types of tropical rainforest

Several types of forest comprise the general tropical rainforest biome:

Lowland equatorial evergreen rain forests are forests which receive high rainfall (more than 2000 mm, or 80 inches, annually) throughout the year. These forests occur in a belt around the equator, with the largest areas in the Amazon Basin of South America, the Congo Basin of Central Africa, Indonesia, and New Guinea.

Moist deciduous and semi-evergreen seasonal forests, receive high overall rainfall with a warm summer wet season and a cooler winter dry season. Some trees in these forests drop some or all of their leaves during the winter dry season. These forests are found in parts of South America, in Central America and around the Caribbean, in coastal West Africa, parts of the Indian subcontinent, and across much of Indochina.

Montane rain forests, some of which are known as cloud forests, are found in cooler-climate mountain areas. Depending on latitude, the lower limit of montane rainforests on large mountains is generally between 1500 and 2500 m while the upper limit is usually from 2400 to 3300 m.

Flooded forests, seven types of flooded forest are recognized for Tambopata Reserve in Amazonian Peru:

Permanently waterlogged swamp forest--Former oxbow lakes still flooded but covered in forest.

Seasonally waterlogged swamp forest--Oxbow lakes in the process of filling in.

Lower floodplain forest--Lowest floodplain locations with a recognizable forest.

Middle floodplain forest--Tall forest, flooded occasionally.

Upper floodplain forest--Tall forest, rarely flooded.

Old floodplain forest--Subjected to flooding within the last two hundred years.

Previous floodplain--Now terra firme, but historically ancient floodplain of Tambopata River.

Due the human's excessive exploitation, tropical forests are now facing a great danger of disappear from the surface of the Earth. Urgent steps and actions required from all countries of the tropical area to protect them from further damages.


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大多数热带雨林(Tropical zone rain forest)都位于北纬23.5度和南纬23.5度之间。在热带雨林中,通常有三到五层的植被,上面还有高达150英尺到180英尺的树木像帐篷一样支盖着。下面几层植被的密度取决于阳光穿透上层树木的程度。照进来的阳光越多,密度就越大。热带雨林主要分布在南美、亚洲和非洲的丛林地区,如亚马逊平原和云南的西双版纳。每月平均温度在华氏64.5度以上(摄氏温度约为18度),平均降水量每年80英寸(1英寸=2.54厘米)以上,超过每年的蒸发量。





热带美洲、热带亚洲和热带非洲的雨林虽然分开为三大片,但它们都有非常类似的外貌和结构特点。由于生长环境终年高温潮湿,热带雨林长得高大茂密,一般高度在30米以上,从林冠到林下树木分为多个层次,彼此套迭。在热带雨林中,最高的树木可长到80多米高度,例如马来西亚的塔豆(Koompassia excelta),西双版纳的望天树亦高达70米。热带雨林的种类组成极端丰富,尽管热带雨林仅占世界陆地面积的百分之七,但它所包含的植物总数却占了世界总数的一半。热带雨林有很多独特现象是其它森林所没有的。例如,大树具有板状的树根,在老茎杆上开花、结果;有很多小型植物附生在其它植物的枝、杆上;有的通过绞杀其它植物而树立起自己;有的树木从空中垂下许多柱状的根,最后变成独树成林;林下植物的叶子一般都有滴水叶尖,而有的植物的叶子长得十分巨大;在林内,大藤本非常丰富,有的长达数百米,穿梭悬挂于树木之间,使人难于通行。
