演唱《wonderful world》的Eternity乐队女主唱的资料!
原Sweetbox的 Jade Valerie
Jade Valerie (杰德·薇乐莉),全名Jade Valerie Villalon,于2007年九月离开SWEETBOX。在2000年--2006年期间,Jade促使了SWEETBOX在亚洲乃至国际的扬名。
Jade不但是一位独唱歌手,她还尤为擅长作曲、作词、音乐制作,比如令S.H.E走红的《Super Star》的曲子就是由Jade与其音乐制作人GEO***同创作的。而像S.H.E翻唱的《Remember》《爱情的海洋》《Always On My Mind》等歌曲中都融合了Jade的创作成分。2004年,S.H.E公司赤资300万力邀Jade、GEO为S.H.E创作了新歌《我爱你》,Jade的制作人GEO还担当了《痛快》的编曲。这两首歌曲收录在SHE的专辑中。Jade还亲自演绎了《我爱你》的英文版--More Than Love。2008年,S.H.E的新专辑《我的电台FM S.H.E》中的《天亮了》和《宇宙小姐》就是再次翻唱了Jade的《Like A Bird》和《Crush》。
像大家所熟悉的Don't Push Me、Life Is Cool、Addicted等歌曲在韩国大受欢迎,这三首歌曲都引用了古典的旋律作为曲子的基调,与流行音乐元素的融合可谓是完美至极。其中,Don't Push Me还被中国的劲舞团游戏收录,令玩家耳目一新,印象深刻。值得一提的是,Jade还受邀演唱了影音游戏“最终幻想”的国际版主题曲--1000 Words。从某一点来讲,这些歌曲反映出了Jade的成长过程和她在音乐创作领域的不断探索。
今年10月12日,日本环球唱片公司发行了Jade首张个人专辑--OUT OF THE BOX,这是一张“迷你版专辑”,专辑中收录了八首歌曲。主打歌Just Another Day描述了Jade离开SWEETBOX的缘由,并充分表露出Jade对歌迷的感谢与祝福。
Jade的第二张新专辑Bittersweet Symphony(悲欢交响曲)将于今年3月5日发行,您可以到下面的几个链接中查看关于新专辑的详情.此外,新专辑的主打歌MV也已经公布,欢迎观看!让我们***同期待这一专辑的发行,并***同祝福Jade在新的音乐旅程中依然声名远扬,星光无限!
"Bittersweet Symphony"(悲欢交响曲)今年3月5日正式发行,近日官方宣称专辑主打歌Unbreakable的MV已在德国汉堡拍摄完毕,MV讲述了一个爱情故事,男主角由一位男模出演。MV中充满了许多迷人的表演场景,其中还夹杂着一些玻璃破碎爆炸的场面,这也是Jade最喜爱的音乐录影带之一。新专辑中的歌曲风格多样,可谓是达到了Jade的创作高峰,正如Jade所述:"当我创作这张专辑时,我感觉到它似乎就是一部记录我生命的音乐电影。每一首歌曲的背后都有一个我所经历过的有关于情感的大事件。在录制这张专辑期间,我始终都与我最好的朋友们呆在一起,因此它也可以被看作是我们在这一阶段中生命的插曲。'伤感'和'重新开始'是'交响曲'的主旋律,但也有一些歌曲仅仅是关于我们所***同度过的愉快的周末。专辑的确正如它的名字所描述的那样,记录了我生命中的悲欢和重大的时刻。"
从音乐角度来讲,此专辑再现了Jade和Geo扎实的创作根基,专辑中同样收录了二位一直擅长的将古典乐曲与流行音乐完美融合的歌曲。比如说Unbreakable就选取音乐大师贝多芬的名曲"月光奏鸣曲"作为基调;另一首歌曲Out In The Sea则取材于歌剧"LAKME"(拉克美)中的"The Flower Duet"(花之二重唱)。新专辑中,Jade最喜欢的歌曲是Like A Bird,Razorman,Empty Pages,这些歌曲充分显示出该专辑创作团队所达到的完美程度,更能使听者感觉到并不是所有的艺人在演唱感情方面的歌曲时都能像Jade那样用真情来演绎。
专辑名称:Bittersweet Symphony
歌手姓名:Jade Valerie
01. Unbreakable (Moonlight Sonata)
02. Like A Bird
03. Out In The Sea
04. Razorman
05. Living By Numbers
06. The Last
07. We Can Run
08. Stuck With You
09. Lucky Lady
10. Piece Of Love
11. Always Mine
12. Undone
13. No, You Don't
14. Empty Pages
Jade Valerie最新英文简介(信息来源:官方MySpace)
"Out of the Box" re-introduced us to Jade Valerie, but the new album "Bittersweet Symphony" will really tell us who the former singer of Sweetbox really is.
The new album is finally a culmination of the the music that fans know and love from Jade, and the sound of who she is today. It is full of rich ballads, perspective altering mid tempos, and a few dance tunes just to spice things up.
“Writing the last album was really therapeutic for me. When I listen to “Bittersweet Symphony" it feels like a musical documentary of my life while creating it. Every song is a story about some emotional milestone that I experienced at that time. I was living with my best friend while recording this album, and so the album has been deemed the sound track of our lives for those months. Heartbreak and starting over are major themes on the album, and some songs are simply about wild weekends we had. The album arrived at its name because it is the music of a bittersweet and revolutionary time of my life."
Musically the album shows the creative roots of Jade and Geo, and has shades of the old classic/pop combo that the creative team is known for. The track Unbreakable features Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, and another track Out in the Sea features "The Flower Duet", from the opera 'Lakme' by Delibes. Jades favorite tracks Like a Bird, Razorman, and Empty Pages exemplify the song writing teams maturity, and remind you that when it comes to sentimental pop not many do it with as much heart honesty as Jade Valerie does.
After nearly eight years and numerous gold and platinum albums as Sweetbox, Jade Valerie put a new spin on her career when last fall she left her stage name behind, and debuted her album " Out of the Box" under her own name.
While still very young, Jade Valerie is hardly new to the entertainment industry - aside from her mega successful career as the face and voice of Sweetbox, Jade filmed her first TV commercial at 5, she then ventured onto Broadway and then onto Hollywood. She has a meaty resume in TV, including top shows Recue 911, Touched by an Angel, Several movies of the week and a guest star spots on several music videos including TLC's "Unpretty." While acting and theatre were a great introduction to the industry, Jade wanted more, she wanted to write and sing.
Jade's roots as an artist sprung form her passion for musical composition. Jade remembers, "I always love country music and rock and blues. Growing up listening to songs written by Stevie Nicks, James Taylor and Gary Burr is what first inspired me to want to be a songwriter and express myself in this that way. They were so emotional and said things so simply, yet so beautifully. I was moved by great songs and emotional voices from an early age." Pop music is where Jade eventually found her home. While her sound is different from her early idols, it is still about great songs that inspire people with thoughtful lyrics, sentiment and emotional performances.
After a few years of struggling in Los Angeles scene, Jade's voice and songwriting talent was discovered by Alan Rich. Alan introduced Jade to Geo, and the rest is history and the future. As the face and voice of sweetbox, Jade not only earned international success as an artist, she was also the voice of a popular final fantasy character, featured in campaigns by Subaru and achieved many other accolades the list too long to list individually. She has become of the best selling international artists in Asia and earned her place in the history of the Japanese music market.
At the moment Jade is looking forward to touring with the new albums, and finding new inspiration for songs.
Jade Valerie首张个人专辑OUT OF THE BOX
Just Another Day
Tuned Up
Show Me
Uh La La
Mr. Pay Me
You Don't Know Me
关于Jade Valerie的重要链接
Jade Valerie (杰德·薇乐莉)官方网站
Jade Valerie (杰德·薇乐莉)中文歌迷网
Jade Valerie (杰德·薇乐莉)腾讯QQ空间