专辑:The Best Of Sweetbox
歌手:糖果盒子 Sweetbox
糖果盒子 甜蜜十年 1995-2005 新曲+精选
强势登上日本 ORICON 专辑综合榜 TOP 5
S.H.E 西洋原曲 6 首完整收录:
“Superstar” “我爱你”“Remember”“爱情的海洋”“Always On My Mind”“爱呢”
Everything’s Gonna Be Alright – 2005 Reborn
特别推荐:2005 新唱 New Version
Everytime – S.H.E“爱情的海洋”英文原曲
虽然发迹自德国继而红遍全球舞池,但 Sweetbox 却是个不折不扣的美国团体。Sweetbox 的幕后制作黑手 GEO,过去曾为 Ace Of Base、Bananarama 等组合打造舞池金曲,并为 Falco、Culture Beat 的音乐作品担纲混音,而为专辑献声的主唱 Jade Villalon 则是位才华洋溢且嗓音娇柔的 24 岁女歌手;
成军于1995年的他们,甫出道便以融合当代灵魂、嘻哈元素、古典旋律与流行浩室节奏的首张同名专辑正式进军乐坛,其中以巴哈“G弦上之歌”开场的慢版畅销单曲“Everything’s Gonna Be Alright”不仅横扫全欧,在11个国家登上排行榜前20名,同时亦获选为兰蔻“O Oui”香水的电视广告曲,并在日本创下了双白金的销售佳绩。不仅如此,Sweetbox 还赢得了日本葛莱美两项大奖。如此耀眼的成绩,让Sweetbox 的首张专辑被全球 47 个国家所来发行,一***创下了3千万张的绝佳销售。
歌曲名字 人气 试听 歌词 收藏 点歌 铃声
1.Everything’s Gonna Be Alright 552
2.Read My Mind 396
3.That Night 337
4.For The Lonely 325
5.More Than Love 378
6.Life Is Cool 378
7.Everytime 339
8.Chyna Girl 296
9.Superstar 323
10.Killing Me DJ 340
11.Somewhere 280
12.Cinderella 303
13.Unforgiven 257
14.After The Lights 282
15.On The Radio 268
16.Hate Without Frontiers 249
17.Here On My Own 281
18.Piano In The Dark 278
19.Crazy 550
20.Tour De France 316
歌手:糖果盒子 Sweetbox
Sweetbox成立於1995年。最先由TinaHarris担任主唱。95年推出首只单曲《Booyah Here We Go》,隔年发行第二张单曲《Shakalaka》,在纽约的舞曲榜3周冠军。97年一首取样自巴哈名曲《G弦之歌》的《Everything’s Gonna Be Alright》传唱全球,在英国、全欧洲日本与美国告示牌都登上销售排行。不仅如此,Sweetbox还赢得了日本葛莱美点播榜Top10中停留了8周之久。如此耀眼的成绩,让Sweetbox的专辑被全球47个国家发行,一***创下了3千万张的绝佳销售。
1998年Tina离开,Sweetbox短暂告别歌坛。1999当Geo在一次偶然的机会下碰到了Jade Villalon(现任主唱),不论是Jade的歌声、音乐内涵、才华或是亲和迷人的个性,都令Geo意识到这就是他寻觅以久的Sweetbox的新主人,几周之后,Sweetbox就此重生,才华洋溢的Jade带著新的Sweetbox再次惊艳世界。
虽然发迹自德国继而红遍全球舞池,但 Sweetbox 却是个不折不扣的美国团体。Sweetbox 的幕后制作黑手 GEO,过去曾为 Ace Of Base、Bananarama 等组合打造舞池金曲,并为 Falco、Culture Beat 的音乐作品担纲混音,而为专辑献声的主唱 Jade Villalon 则是位才华洋溢且嗓音娇柔的 24 岁女歌手;
成军於1995年的他们,甫出道便以融合当代灵魂、嘻哈元素、古典旋律与流行浩室节奏的首张同名专辑正式进军乐坛,其中以巴哈“G弦上之歌”开场的慢版畅销单曲“Everything’s Gonna Be Alright”不仅横扫全欧,在11个国家登上排行榜前20名,同时亦获选为兰蔻“O Oui”香水的电视广告曲,并在日本创下了双白金的销售佳绩。不仅如此,Sweetbox 还赢得了日本葛莱美两项大奖。如此耀眼的成绩,让Sweetbox 的首张专辑被全球 47 个国家所来发行,一***创下了3千万张的绝佳销售。
2001 年最新专辑《Classified》当中,布拉格皇家交响乐团亦特别跨刀,为辑中引用多首名曲为旋律基底,包括古典的韩德尔、贝多芬、柴可夫斯基、拉威尔,甚至当代电影配乐大师颜尼欧莫利康奈的乐曲,以及“第一滴血”的主题配乐,为专辑营造优雅细致的古典氛围。而 S.H.E 翻唱的“Super Star”“爱情的海洋”“Remember”“爱呢”则是乐迷一听就会忍不住大合唱的曲子。而 2003 年由 GEO 再次量身打造,再次推出登上日本公信榜排行的专辑“Jade” ,其中收录了 S.H.E. 翻唱的“Always On My Mind”原曲--“Read My Mind”,这支单曲在日本电台的国际点播榜 Top10 中停留了 8 周之久。如此耀眼的成绩,也让 Sweetbox 的专辑在日本公信榜创下了绝佳销售。2004 年 Sweetbox 最新大作 Adagio,再度融合了 Sweetbox 最拿手的古典与嘻哈,不但在 2005 春季日本抢先发行时勇夺日本公信榜洋乐TOP.3,更在 9 月份於韩国发行时勇夺西洋专辑销售榜 NO.1!接著2004年终在日本发行的特别专辑“恋爱13章”也开出红盘,台湾在今年农历年前同步发行时,其中收录的“More Than Love”也是 S.H.E 的“我爱你”英文原曲也在本地造成一阵热播。
歌曲名字 人气 试听 歌词 收藏 点歌 铃声
1.Gracealnd 218
2.Addicted 135
3.Here Comes The Sun 108
4.Pride 99
5.Bold / Delicious 92
6.Every Step 112
7.Break Down 106
8.Dreams 112
9.Ladies Night 90
10.Vaya con Dios 96
11.Beautiful Girl 143
12.Over / Over 93
13.Happy Tears 123
14.Million Miles
Sometimes I question you and me
The reasons I'm here get hard to see
But when I feel your fingertips brush mine
I swear I see heaven for a moment in time
Been running and hiding
So scared of love
But everytime you look into my eyes
And everytime you kiss my lips good night
The honesty's too much
It's in the way we touch
It gets me everytime
Anytime you look at me that way
There's so much said when there's nothing to say
The sweetest thing I've heard
without a single word It gets me everytime
It gets me everytime
Sometimes I wake up next to you
And I wonder if you knew
That you would change my life with just one kiss
That you would be the one I'd fall in love with
I've been running and hiding
So scared of love
But everytime you look into my eyes
And everytime you kiss my lips good night
The honesty's too much
It's in the way we touch
It gets me everytime
Anytime you look at me that way
There's so much said when there's nothing to say
The sweetest thing I've heard
without a single word It gets me everytime
It gets me everytime
But everytime you look into my eyes
And everytime you kiss my lips good night
The honesty's too much
It's in the way we touch
It gets me everytime
It gets me everytime
Sweetbox-More Than Love
i know you dreams
i know you cries
each breath i memorized
and i would do anything to help you win your fight
but it's not enough to make you smile
it's never enough
woo more can i give
more than love
more than this
more than what's in these two hands
more than love
more than me
but i can't give more than i am
more than i am
i've seen the searching in your eyes
and i feel helpless by your side
so many spaces i can't fill
oh God knows how hard i tried
it saying no more, and i dying inside
you always be more
woo more can i give
more than love
more than this
more than what's in these two hands
more than love
more than me
but i can't give more than i am
no matter what i do it's never good enough for you
i'm trying to be everything that you need
and not every breathing
and you are still not happy
after all these have gone
oh i gonna be cold
it's never good enough for you
for what's fall in love
more than love
more than love
more than this
more than what's in these two hands
tell me what's more than love
tell me what’s more than this
well it's actually that i can never give
and what's more than love
that i can never give
Sweetbox-That Night
That night
That night
By your side
I cried
One night in late July
I saw you cross the room
Then you asked me for a dance
and I could hardly move (yeah)
I`d never been so scared before
your touch was overwhelming
Then you led me to the floor
and I swore I was dreaming
That night there was magic
That night I was spellbound
By your side oh the first time
I cried I cried Yes you changed my life
That night That night
By your side oh the first time
I cried I cried This night changed my life
We sat and talked all night
the starry sky above us
You were nervous I was shy
The butterflies of first love
Then I knocked on heaven`s door
when you leaned in to kiss me
I`d never been left wanting more
oh I was hardly breathing
That night there was magic
That night I was spellbound
By your side oh the first time
I cried I cried Yes you changed my life
That night That night
By your side oh the first time
I cried I cried This night changed my life
I want to have that night again
I wanna know what might have been
First love just never ends
oh why do I still miss him
Now life has distanced us
that summer night`s long gone
But I still feel your lips
when I hear our old love song
I`ve changed a lot since then
but I still sit and wonder
I`d like to know what might have been
if summer love had lingered
That night
That night
By your side
I cried
Yes you changed my life
That night I was spellbound
By your side oh the first time
I cried I cried Yes you changed my life
That night That night
By your side oh the first time
I cried I cried This night changed my life
That night That night
By your side oh the first time
I cried I cried This night changed my life
再加一首Play Girls--Cinderella
Play - Cinderella
When I was just a little girl
My momma used to tuck me into bed
and she'd read me a story
It always was about a Princess in distress
And how a guy would save her and end up with the glory
I'd lie in bed and think about the person that I want to be
Then one day I realized the fairy tale life wasn't for me
I don't wanna be like Cinderella
Sittin' in a dark old dusty cellar
Waiting for somebody, to come and set me free
I don't wanna be like Snow White waiting
For a handsome prince to come and save me
On a horse of white, unless we're riding side by side
Don't want to depend on no one else
I'd rather rescue myself
Someday I'm gonna find someone who wants my soul, heart, and mind
Who's not afraid to show that he loves me
Somebody who will understand I'm happy just the way I am
Don't need nobody taking care of me
I will be there for him just as strong as he will be there for me
When I give myself then it has to got to be, an equal thing
I don't wanna be like Cinderella
Sittin' in a dark old dusty cellar
Waiting for somebody, to come and set me free
I don't wanna be like Snow White waiting
For a handsome prince to come and save me
On a horse of white, unless we're riding side by side
Don't want to depend on no one else
I'd rather rescue myself
I can slay, my own dragons
I can dream, my own dreams
My knight in shining armour is me
So I'm gonna set me free
I don't wanna be like Cinderella
Sittin' in a dark old dusty cellar
Waiting for somebody, to come and set me free
I don't wanna be like Snow White waiting
For a handsome prince to come and save me
On a horse of white, unless we're riding side by side
I don't wanna be like Cinderella
Sittin' in a dark old dusty cellar
Waiting for somebody, to come and set me free
I don't wanna be like Snow White waiting
For a handsome prince to come and save me
On a horse of white, unless we're riding side by side
Don't want to depend on no one else
I'd rather rescue myself
I don't wanna be like Cinderella
Sittin' in a dark old dusty cellar
Waiting for somebody, to come and set me free
I don't wanna be like Snow White waiting
For a handsome prince to come and save me
On a horse of white, unless we're riding side by side
Don't want to depend on no one else
I'd rather rescue myself
这是SHE首张专辑《女生宿舍》的主打歌,此歌翻唱自美国三人组合“天命真女”Destiny’s Child的《Brown Eyes》
翻唱自 BEE GEES 比吉斯少年组 的同名歌曲《I.O.I.O》
翻唱自 Sweetbox 糖果盒子 的《China Girl》
翻唱自 No Angels 无天使合唱团 的《When The Angels Sing 》
翻唱自 Backstreet Boys新好男孩 的《How Did I Fall In Love With You 》
翻唱自 Play 玩乐少女组 的 《Cinderella》
翻唱自德国组合“Sweet Box”
10.《I’ve never been to me》
翻唱自西洋老歌J.D Souther的《Only Lonely》
12.《Always on my mind》
翻唱自Sweetbox糖果盒子的《Read My Mind》
翻唱自No Angels无天使合唱团《Come Back》
14.《Woman in love》
翻唱自Barbara Streisand 的同名歌曲
翻唱自德国团体“Sweet Box ”的《Every Time 》
翻唱自德国团体“Sweet Box ”的《That Night》
17.《Watch me shine》
翻唱自Joanna Pacitti的《Watch Me Shine 》
18.《Yes ,I Love You 》
翻唱自韩国歌手 文明真 的《一天又一天》
24、《美丽新世界》 翻唱自玛利亚的《不变的爱》
翻唱自sweet box的《爱的更多》