西湖十景的英文翻译是 "Ten Scenes of West Lake",分别是:
1. 西泠桥映月("Reflection of the Moon on the Peaceful Lake Through the Autumnal Tints")
2. 断桥残雪("Remnant Snow on the Broken Bridge")
3. 莲花峰前晚钟("Evening Bell at Nanping Hill")
4. 曲院风荷("Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard")
5. 蘇堤春晓("Dawn on the Su Causeway in Spring")
6. 雷峰夕照("Sunset Glow over Leifeng Pagoda")
7. 南屏晚钟("Evening Bell at the Nanping Hill")
8. 三潭印月("Three Pools Mirroring the Moon")
9. 柳浪闻莺("Ripples on the Surface of the Laughing Wave and Singing Willow")
10. 葫芦峙云("Ominous Clouds Over the Calabash Hill")