日本偷袭珍珠港 ( 急急急急急!!!!)

The Pearl Harbor Incident was on December 7, 1941 the early morning,the Japanese empire navy's aircraft carrier carrier plane and theminiature submarine suddenly attacks the United States Navy Pacificfleet in Hawaian base Pearl harbor as well as the United States Armyand on navy's in Ou Hu island airport event. Pacific War from thiseruption. This attack finally US will be involved in Second World War,it will be after 19th century in the Mexican war the first anothercountry to the American territory attack. This event is also calledsneak attacks Pearl harbor or surprise attack Pearl harbor.

Japan started from 1941 to Southeast Asia's development to cause thislocal main powerful nation restlessness, for ten years these countrieslimited at most to Japan's foreign expansion disaffection to submitthe diplomatic written protest, but in 1941 July US, England andHolland colonized the government to announce the prohibition to Japanto the Japanese transportation strategic resources, in particularsteel and petroleum. This step all has the threat to Japan's economyand the military, its goal is forces Japan to limit it in SoutheastAsia's activity, returns to nearby the conference table. Rooseveltissues an order to let the fleet be stationed in Pearl harbor (becauseit leaves Japan seacoast to have to be much nearer than US west,therefore it to Japan is a direct threat) also is this goal. Rooseveltthought this decision is so important, down to when 理查逊 generalto this decision proposed when protest, he 理查逊 will dismiss fromoffice. But American and other national responses as if onlystrengthened the Japanese military's decision, seized and uses thisarea. Japan's petroleum output very small, but refines the petroleumpreserve are less, therefore embargoes to Japan is extremely seriousissue. The Japanese government decided occupies Southeast Asia theresources to take to the embargo reply. They cannot the supposition,if they started to take action, the USA Congress stood by in the oneside. This was mountain this 56 considerations eliminates US inanticipation in Pacific Ocean's strength reason.

Japan united fleets commander the mountain this 56 attacks Pearlharbor the naval base plan realizes in a this strategic goal tacticalstep. The Japanese material demonstrated Shan Benyu at the beginningof 1941 started to consider attacked Pearl harbor. After severalmonths, after made some to inspect in advance, he is authorized tostart to prepare this motion. The Japanese navy interior has intenseopposition this kind of motion the strength. Shan Ben threat, if thismotion is stopped the speech, he will retire from office. In 1941 thesummer, in time in the empire conference which personally attended bythe Japanese emperor of Japan, this motion is officially authorized.In November, in the empire conference which another emperor of Japanpersonally attends, dispatches troops into battle Pacific Ocean'sdecision to authorize. Also decided in November conference that, onlyhas in US completely agreed Japanese overriding demand in thesituation only then gives up this motion.

Attacks Pearl harbor the goal is for (at least temporarily) eliminatesUnited States Navy's on Pacific Ocean main force. Attacks engineermountain this 56 myself which Pearl harbor plans to think a time ofsuccessful attack energy band comes year about the strategicadvantage. Started Japan and China from 1931 joins battle, before thisJapan has seized Manchu. Japan started from January, 1941 to planattacks Pearl harbor to have the strategic advantage, after passedthrough some navy interior discussions and the dispute starts theJapanese navy from the year to start for this motion to carry on thestrict training.

Japan plans a part is (moreover must before attack) stop before theattack with US'S consultation. To December 7 up to, Japan'scontinuously in carries on the very widespread discussion inWashington ambassador in diplomat with the American Ministry ofForeign Affairs, the summer invaded Southeast Asia including US toJapan in 1941 the response. Before the attack Japanese ambassador hasobtained a very long telegram from the Japanese Ministry of ForeignAffairs, and makes (the Washington time) it is submitted when theattack Secretary of State the Codel hull. But ambassador the personnelhas not been able promptly to decode and to print this very longcredentials. Finally this proclaims the war declaration only then tosubmit after the attack for US. This detention increased US to thisattack anger, it is President Roosevelt is called this day "ashameless day" the main reason. General Shan Ben agrees with thisviewpoint as if. Movie is in harmony which in Japan and America"tiger! Tiger! Tiger!" Center he is quoted said that, "Perhaps my wehave awakened a deep sleep giant, now he has filled the anger." (Thisspeech mountain notebook person never had possibly said, even so he asif indeed so feels).

In fact this credentials submitted in front of US in Japan on alreadyto decode by US. George Marshall after read this credentials totransmit an urgent warning immediately to Hawaii, but because theUnited States military interior transducer chaotic this telegram couldnot but transmit through the civil telecommunication bureau. It lostit on the road "to be urgent" the symbol. Attacks several hours latteryoung date lineage US mailman to deliver this telegram the UnitedStates military headquarters