Hug 中文版
[] 只要让我做一天你温暖的睡床 oh baby 可以温柔的把你搂在我的怀中 哄著你入眠
[] 梦中每个细小动作 轻声在你的耳边诉说 都会让我打败所有怪兽在你梦里oh woo
[] 没有我你如何渡过 你又是怎样消磨时间 会不会爱我 好想听你说 是否有我爱你的多(想对你说)
[] 悄悄藏进你抽屉里 成为你心情的日记 不能知道的 你的小秘密 全部关进我的心里 好好
[] 我好想有一天能变成你的猫咪 oh baby 它可以品尝你倒的牛奶 而且还在 你手心淘气
[] 每次和它开始玩耍 抱紧它时动作的亲密 都会让我感到有一丝小小的妒忌
[] 这些就是我的爱情
[] 只有你始终在我眼裏
[] 无论在哪裏 只想看著你
[] 没有谁能将你代替
[] 哪怕只有一天也好 我想做你的亲密情人 心里的骄傲 有甚麼烦恼 我给你用心去倾听
[] 只为你
[] In my heart in my soul 爱原本空白陌生 对我是那麼的难懂uh uh baby
[] 想要把世界上所有美好都给你 即使在梦里
[] 这些就是我的爱情 希望能一直的看著你
[] 有一些感激 藏在幸福里 我努力去完美自己(完美自己)
[] 无论何时在你身边(你身边)我们一定可以相恋 搂你在怀中 紧紧抱著你 我想要可以永远的 爱著你
Hug 英文版
[] Once I say I love you I think you would be gone, oh baby~
[] Cause we are too young to love so I can say little long~ hold you in my arms
[] But I will be waiting for you to say you want me to be with you
[] I'll live in your love and your dream forever and ever
[] Whenever you look in my eyes there are so many smiles and tears
[] I was born to love feel so deep inside if you need me I'll be your man (I'll be your man)
[] Whenever you look in my eyes I do want to show you my love
[] I make up my mind make your dreams come true. nobody can stop me to say I love you.
[] How can I ask who you're still looking for I'm the one oh baby~
[] Since love seems to make me blind I try to find all day long but I cannot hold
[] We talk on the phone every night and so came closer day by day
[] I touch you and kiss you and hold you to feel but in dream
[] Whenever you look in my eyes
[] There are so many smiles and tears
[] I was born to love feel so deep inside
[] If you need me I'll be your man(I'll be your man)
[] Whenever you look in my eyes I do want to show you my love
[] I make up my mind make your dreams come true
[] Nobody can stop me to say
[] I love you~
[] In my arms in my soul I want to hold you baby you don't know how much I love you do you baby
[] Like a sun rising up I can't stop loving you. can't hold back anymore~
[] Whenever you look in my eyes there are so many smiles and tears
[] I was born to love feel so deep inside If you need me, I'll be your man (I'll be your man)
[] Whenever you look in my eyes(in my eyes)I do want to show you my love
[] I make up my mind make your dreams come true
[] Nobody can stop me to say I love you
My little princess中文版
[] How can I forget all the special memories of you, still remember,my little princess
[] 也许是爱情 萦绕在我心里 想隐藏真心 不知不觉露出笑意
[] 一直想着你 来度过每一天 心像有了重病 告诉我该怎么做
[] 从此以后我要改变懒惰的自己
[] 想把一切变的完美呈现给你
[] 展开双臂 飞翔在夜空里 为你我愿意 飞到宇宙屋脊
[] 对着世界大声说出我爱你 Girl愿成为那颗星 照亮在你的夜空里 You’re my love
[] 未来日子里 决不要说分离 我们要约定 永远都不能提起
[] 从这一刻起 爱在彼此心里 相信你已知道 我不是那么完美
[] 希望你能一直等待我变的成熟
[] 我会努力成为与你最合适般配的男人
[] 无论在何时 请你答应我 让我永远都可以留在你的心中
[] 也许你会愿意和我一样
[] 不让你伤心
[] 就让我来
[] 守护你
[] For you
[] 你知道我多么爱你吗
[] My little Princess隐藏对你的爱想对你表白 你是否会明白
[] 用我一生不变的心 来爱你 Girl
[] 我想要告诉你 我比爱自己更爱你
[] You’re my love
[] 我会永远
The way U are中文版
[] 起初我不相信一见钟情 直到那一刻我们相遇
[] 原来去改变想法这样简单 我曾经傻傻忍受孤单
[] 让无法实现的事情过去 让回忆能慢慢退去
[] 我只能 含着眼泪 站在无尽幻想中期待 藏在你心里的爱 一定会愿意表达出来
[] 对你的爱好 你的想法 耳朵上带的耳环和体重都要知道
[] 你的芳香 一举一动 一切我都想知道 就是这样 It’s about the way U are
[] 孤单时候人们都说寂寞 会让思念的日子流过
[] 到现在不去关心是否还能 将你从记忆之中抹去
[] 只能眼含着泪水 站在无尽幻想中期待
[] 你心里 这份爱情 还是否愿意表达出来 Oh
[] 对你的爱好 你的想法 耳朵上带的耳环和体重都要知道
[] 你的芳香 一举一动 一切我都想知道 就是这样 It’s about the way U are
[] 你别说你不喜欢 给你的感觉一般 你已无法再躲闪
[] It’s about the way U are
[ ALL] 你别说你不喜欢 给你的感觉一般 你已无法再躲闪
[] It’s about the way U are
[] It’s about the way U are
[] 对你的爱好 你的想法 耳朵上带的耳环和体重都要知道
[] 你的芳香 一举一动 一切我都想知道 就是这样 It’s about the way U are
[] Way you are
[] 对你的爱好 你的想法 耳朵上带的耳环和体重都要知道
[] 你的芳香 一举一动 一切我都想知道 就是这样 It’s about the way U are
Believe 中文版
[] Girl, Let me prove that my live is real,I'll give all my love to you,Please trust me.
[] 我相信 相信别人说那一见锺情的话 虽然对你说我从来都不相信 [] Ye~
[] 只怕你认为我是轻率的人 一直隐藏在心底
[] 其实我 从第一次遇见你那一瞬间起 整天就活在想念你的世界里
[] 从早上睁开眼到晚上入睡 只思念你一个人
[] I believe in you 眺望著你的这视线里 深再我胸口 那份充满著爱你的心 全部交给你
[] 不愿我的心那麼轻易的被你发现 你是否明白 还会害怕你忽然间离我而去却不再回来 [] 我的你
[] 这份爱 就好像抑制不住的激动一样 就好像快要窒息的思念一样
[] 给我永远不会改变的视线 总是像现在一样
[] 如果你 在那让我感觉到放心的地方 让我时时可以望著你的地方
[] 停留在距离不远的我身边 我将会无比欢喜
[] I believe in you 眺望著你的这视线里 深再我胸口 那份充满著爱你的心 全部交给你
[] 不愿我的心那麼轻易的被你发现 你是否明白 还会害怕你忽然间离我而去却不再回来 []我的你
[] 如果这样只徘徊在你身边 如果最后你什麼都不知道 不知道我是多麼深深爱过你
[] I believe in you 眺望著你的这视线里 深再我胸口 那份充满著爱你的心 全部交给你
[] 不愿我的心那麼轻易的被你发现 你是否明白 还会害怕你忽然间离我而去 却不再回来
[] I can't let you go You are the only one in my life
Tri-Angel 中文版
[] 每天看到事件 时时刻刻招来无止尽的死亡 这片土地上仁慈消失到哪里
[] 我 现在不会再去看 不会再去听 一切都不会管 别用惰落现实来计算 生命的存在才是最珍贵
[] 麻木的心灵上 血泪再一次流下 现在还想怎样把我刺激 要留下伤痕
[] 曾经在这地方 充满美丽世界的存在 我们内心中对未来的梦 都已经死去
[&] 一切都已经无法再承受 甚至该留下的眼泪都没有
[&] 只有刻骨的伤痛和失落感 如今我门再也无法去忍受
[] You got the power! 这些能够纠正错误的力量 请你不要浪费 应该显露出更加人性化的故事
[] I don't know, why hate this moment 人们不说没有意思 现实和真相 Why you tell me lies
[] 麻木的心灵上 血泪再一次流下 现在还想怎样把我刺激 要留下伤痕
[] 曾经在这地方 充满美丽世界的存在 我们内心中对未来的梦 都已经死去
[] 望着所爱人的眼睛 难道这喜悦 你都不会 清晰的看清
[] 请告诉我 这个世界还充满 许多该寻找的希望
[BoA] 该怎麼办 在被抛弃的存在前 我只能默默无言的站着 是否太过残酷
[BoA] 该怎麼办 再也无法去忍受 我只能望着渐渐被侵蚀的他
[The TRAX] Someday oneday (RAP 韩文)One flow we want the flow we got the flow
[The TRAX] I got the flow how now I growling on eath it's so funny I say no
[&] 现在我们已经不会再愿意 相信你拥有能改变的力量 连那昏暗不明中 刀锋的尽头
[&] 一切都已经无法再忍受 甚至该流下的眼泪都没有
[&] 只有刻骨的伤痛和失落感 如今我们再也无法在忍受
[] 让我看你撕裂胸口中的悲伤 让我握紧你冰冷的双手 抚慰你孤单
[] 因为在这地方充满美丽世界的存在 所以我们应该小心翼翼 一起去呵护
Rising Sun中文版
[] 失去飞翔力量翅膀 只化为灰烬的青春时光 想要飞翔的梦想破灭成为碎片的早上 没有一丝的阳光
[] 世界原本充了满歌声和善良 可是每个人都会穿着虚假的伪装 谁能告诉我该如何地躲藏
[] 突破重围 勇敢奋力向前追 寻找我的Innocent
[] 熊熊燃烧的青春火花 最后就像天边灿烂的晚霞 Waiting for rising sun
[] 到底 混沌的尽头在哪里 (Somebody talks每天有不同的回答)
[] 绝望 是通往幸福的门窗 (Somebody talks只有时间知道解答)
[] 人生就像那 永无止尽的轨道 将信念都围绕
[] 就像在寻找无尽的问题与解答 就像要完成一幅遗留下的画
[] You know why
[] Slow down
[] 青春跟着岁月的脚步走 那些脚步一去就不回头 不要把后悔留给青春时光 在我的面前变得更坚强
[] 哭伤心的眼泪换来的幸福 它的价值要记住 千万不要忘
[] 突破重围 勇敢奋力向前追 寻找我的Innocent
[] 熊熊燃烧的青春火花 最后就像天边灿烂的晚霞 Waiting for rising sun
[] 到底 混沌的尽头在哪里 (Somebody talks 每天有不同的回答)
[] 绝望 是通往幸福的门窗 (Somebody talks只有时间知道解答)
[] Rising sun rising sun
Unforgettable 中文版
[] 不要说 这全部都是谎言 说时间会让我忘记一切
[] 那天离别留下的痛已渐渐稍微平静 可是对你的思念却越来越无法停止
[] 虽然知道不会那麼简单
[] 虽然雨季也已经过去
[&] 还是不习惯 没你的日子
[] 我依然深爱着你 我依然渴望着你
[] 失去了你后世界都停止了转动
[] 就算像一个傻瓜 我都不在乎 终于可以了解 在我的心里只有你
[] 不要听 这全部都是谎言 说已经忘了你的那句话
[] 只害怕微不足道的 那颗心再被伤害 心便背叛了话语 要我怎麼能忘记你
[] 只去回想你的那些任性
[] 这样努力想要忘记你 思念是永不停息的旋律
[] 我依然深爱着你 我依然渴望着你
[] 失去了你后 世界都停止了转动
[] 就算像一个傻瓜 我都不在乎
[] 终于可以明白 在我的心里只有你
[] 我好想再把你抱进我的怀抱 永远的 不放手 守护你 [](永远的守护你)
[] 其实我的那颗心 从来都不曾离你而去[](离你而去)
[] 彷佛美好时光不曾走远 静静的
[] 停在那一天
[] 在我小小的怀里 找不到一丝安慰
[] 为什麼当我 失去你后才能明白
[] But I love you everday.
[] 这一生我的灵魂只属于你(不要忘记)记得我在这里等你
[] See you once again,my love
Santa Claus is coming to town
[] You better watch out you better not cry you better not pout
[] I'm telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town
[] He's making a list Checking it twice He's gonna find out
[] Who's naughty or nice Santa Claus is coming to town
[] He sees you when you're sleeping He knows when you're awake
[] He knows if you've been bad or good So be good for goodness sake
[] So you better watch out you better not cry you better not pout
[] I'm telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town
[] He sees you when you're sleeping He knows when you're awake
[] He knows if you've been bad or good So be good for goodness sake
[] So you better watch out you better not cry you better not pout
[] I'm telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town
Oh holy night
Oh holy night the stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior's birth
Long lay the world in sin and error pining
Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth
A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new glorious morn
Fall on your knees Oh hear the angels' voices
Oh night divine Oh night when Christ was born
A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn
Fall on your knees Oh hear the angels' voices
Oh night divine Oh night when Christ was born
Just Once
I did my best but I guess my best wasn't good enough
Cause here we’re back where we were before
Seems nothing ever changes we're back to being strangers
Wondering if we oughta stay or head on out the door
Just once can't we figure out what we keep doing wrong
Why we never last for very long what are we doing wrong
Just once can't we find a way to finally make it right
Make the magic last for more than just one night
If we could just get to it I know we could break through it
I gave my all but I think my all may have been too much
'Cause lord knows we're not getting anywhere
Seems we're always blowing whatever we got going
And seems at times with all we've got we haven't got a prayer
Just once can't we figure out what we keep doing wrong
Why the goodtimes never last for very long
Seems we're always blowing whatever we got going
Just once can't we find a way to finally make it right
Make the magic last for more than just one night
If we could just get to it I know we could break through it Just once
I want to understand
Why it always come back to goodbye
why can't we get ourselves in hand
And admit to one another that we're no good with out the other
Take the best and make it better find a way to stay together
Just once can't we find a way to finally make it right
Make the magic last for more than just one night
I know we can break through it If we could just get to it
Just once If we could get to it Just once
Lately I’ve had the strangest feeling with no vivid reason here to find
Yet the thought of losing yours been hanging around my mind
Far more frequently you’re wearing perfume
With you say no special place to go
But when I ask will you be coming back soon You don’t know never know
Well I’m a man of many wishes hope my premonition misses
But what I really feel my eyes won’t let me hide
Cause they always start to cry
Cause this time could mean goodbye
Lately I’ve been staring in the mirror very slowly picking me apart
Trying to tell myself I have no reason with your heart
Just the other night while you were sleeping
I vaguely heard you whisper someone’s name
But when I ask you of the thoughts your keeping You just say nothing’s changed
Well I’m a man of many wishes hope my premonition misses
But what I really feel my eyes won’t let me hide
Cause they always start to cry
Cause this time could mean goodbye goodbye
Oh I’m a man of many wishes hope my premonition misses
But what I really feel my eyes won’t let me hide
Cause they always start to cry
Cause this time could mean goodbye
Bright Lights fancy restaurants
Everything in this world that a man could want
I got a bank account bigger than the law should allow still I'm lonely now
Pretty Faces from the covers of a magazine
From their covers to my covers wanna lay with me
Fame and fortune still can't find just a grown man running out of time
Though it seems I have everything I dont wanna be a lonely fool
All of the women all the expensive cars all the money don't amount to you
So I can make believe I have everything but I can't pretend that I don't see
That without you girl my life is incomplete
Your perfume your sexy lingerie
Girl I remember it just like it was on yesterday
A Thursday you told me you had fallen in love I wasn't sure that I was
it's been a year-Winter, Summer, Spring and Fall
But being without you just aint living aint livin'at all
If I could travel back in time, I'd relive the days you were mine Even though it seems I have everything I don't wanna be a lonely fool
All of the women, all the expensive cars all of the money don't amount to you
I cam make believe I have everything but I can't pretend that I don't see
That without you girl my life is incomplete
I just can't help loving you but I loved you much too late.
I'd give anything and everything to hear you say that you'll stay
Even though it seems I have everything I don't wanna be a lonely fool
All of the women all of the expensive cars all of the money don't amount to you
(you can have it all) I can make believe I have everything but I can't pretend that I don't see (Just give me my baby)
That without you girl my life is incomplete