

1、Masturbation is not a good thing when one shoots blanks repeatedly. 这是华航启航不久时的东西。大家回顾一下。

2、Masturbation by rubbing against another person ( as in a crowd). Getting information on changes and deletions (在人群中)以摩擦另一人身体的动作获取性快感。正在获取有关改动和删除操作的信息

3、HPGA hormone levels show no significant difference between childhood masturbation and normal control, and masturbation has not association with the sex hormone level in our study.?


4、So is Matthew McConaughey in a madcap soliloquy on masturbation and the need to stay relaxed. 马修?麦康纳(Matthew McConaughey)在自慰和需要放松时的狂妄独白也很搞笑。

5、Perhaps the classic Victorian view of the pure and proper lady laid the foundation for the shame and silence that is more associated with female than with male masturbation.?
