
美国人请客吃饭的礼仪 Americans etiquette dinners

美国人性格外向,热情直爽,不拘礼节,他们的风俗礼仪存在着许多与众不同之处。 The American character, outgoing, warm and frank, informal, and their customs and etiquette, there are many different areas. 美国是一个时间观念很强的国家,各种活动都按预定的时间开始,迟到是不礼貌的。 The United States is a time to the concept of a strong country, a variety of activities are scheduled according to time, being late is discourteous. 同美国人约会联系简单,打个电话,对方会很高兴地同意在尽短的时间内见面。 Dating links with the Americans is simple, make a phone call, they will be very pleased to agree with in the shortest possible time to meet. 美国人也有礼尚往来的习惯,但他们忌讳接受过重的礼物,一则是美国人不看重礼品自身的价值,二来法律禁止送礼过重,从家乡带去的工艺品、艺术品、名酒等是美国人喜欢的礼物,除节假日外,应邀到美国人家中作客甚至吃饭一般不必送礼。 Americans have the habit of reciprocity, but they are too heavy taboo accept a gift, not an American value is the value of their gift, the gift is prohibited by law to be too heavy to bring from the home arts and crafts, works of art, wines, such as the United States like a gift, with the exception of holidays, the Americans invited to家中作客gifts do not even eat normally. 美国社会有付小费的习惯,凡是服务性项目均需付小费,旅馆门卫、客房服务等需付不低于l美元的小费,饭店吃饭在结帐时收15%小费。 American society has to pay the customary tip, all the service projects are required to tip hotel doormen, room service, such as U.S. dollars to pay not less than l tip, restaurants to eat at the close of admission 15% tip.

美国人请客吃饭,属公务交往性质多安排在饭店、俱乐部进行,由所在公司支付费用,关系密切的亲朋好友才邀请到家中赴宴。 Americans dinners, the nature of a public exchanges in hotels, clubs, paid for by the company, invited close friends and family at home in the feast. 美国人的食物因地区、民族不同而种类繁多,口味各异,汉堡包、“热狗”、馅饼、炸面圈以及肯德基炸鸡等都是风靡世界的食品,但美国人待客的家宴则是经济实惠、不摆阔气、不拘泥形式的。 American food from region to region, ethnic differences in a wide range of different tastes, hamburger, "hot dogs", pie, fried noodles, as well as Kentucky Fried Chicken circle are popular the world of food, but the Americans were the guests of a private economic benefits, not摆阔气not formalist. 通常的家宴是一张长桌子上摆着一大盘沙拉、一大盘烤鸡或烤肉、各种凉菜、一盘炒饭、一盘面包片以及甜食、水果、冷饮、酒类等。 The private banquet is usually a long table laid with a big salad, a big chicken or barbecue, a variety of cold dish, a fried rice, a slice of bread and sweets, fruit, cold drinks, alcohol and so on. 宾主围桌而坐,主人说一声“请”,每个人端起一个盘子,取食自己所喜欢的菜饭,吃完后随意添加,边吃边谈,无拘无束。 The host and guest sat围桌, the owner say "please", each person a plate Bao, feeding their Quarter favorite, finished after the random add, while eating to talk freely.

美国人将请客人吃顿饭、喝杯酒或到乡间别墅***度周末作为一种交友方式,并不一定要求对方做出报答,如有机会请对方到自家吃饭就可以了。 American guests will be invited to a meal, a drink or to spend the weekend dacha friends as a way does not necessarily make a return call, if the opportunity to invite each other to their own eating it. 吃完饭后,客人应向主人特别是女主人表示特别感谢 After dinner, the guests should be the masters of that particular, special thanks to the hostess

美国人的饮食习惯美国人在吃午餐和吃晚餐之前,通常要喝点鸡尾酒,但在加利福尼亚州,人们大都喝葡萄酒。 Americans in the eating habits of Americans to eat lunch and before dinner, usually like to drink cocktails, but in California, people are drinking wine.

同时,在吃主食之前,一般都要吃一盘色拉。 At the same time, the staple food before eating, usually to eat a salad. 炸蘑菇和炸洋葱圈可作为开胃食品,牛排、猪排和鸡(腿)为主食,龙虾、贝壳类动物以及各种鱼类,甚至包括淡水鱼被统称为海鲜。 Deep-fried mushrooms and fried onion ring appetizer can be used as food, steak, pork chops and chicken (legs)-based food, lobster, shellfish and a variety of fish, including fresh water fish have been collectively referred to as seafood. 炸土豆条则是深受人们喜爱且几乎成了必不可少的食物。 Article fry is very popular and has become an essential food.

另外,应特别注意的一点,如有吃剩的食物,一定要打包带回家,以免浪费。 In addition, special attention should be paid that, if the leftovers of the food must be packaged to take home, so as not to waste.

美国人在吃饭的时候是刀叉并用,而且他们的用餐方式也是很有讲究的。 Americans often eat with knife and fork, and their food is also very particular about the way the. 因此,在应邀与美国朋友一起吃饭时,应特别注意他们的用餐习惯。 As a result, was invited to dinner with friends in the United States should pay particular attention to their eating habits. 一般情况下,餐桌上摆放有一幅餐刀和两幅餐叉,外边的餐叉供你吃色拉,里边的餐叉用于吃主食和其它点心食品,餐刀用来切肉食。 Under normal circumstances, there is a display table knife and fork 2, the outside fork for the salad you eat inside fork to eat the staple food and other snack food, knife used to cut meat. 如果你两手并用,应左手握叉,右手握刀,而且一次握刀时间不能太长。 If your hands and should be left hand fork, the right hand握刀, but can not be too long a time握刀.

美国人的早餐有:炒或煮鸡蛋、香肠、油炸土豆片、薄煎饼、果子冻、烤面包、松饼、桔子汁以及咖啡等。 American Breakfast included:或煮fried eggs, sausage, fried potato chips, pancake, jelly, toast, muffins, orange juice and coffee.

如果你是初到美国餐馆用餐,那么应该注意如下事项: If you are a restaurant first came to the United States, it should be noted the following:

1、选择合适的餐馆(如:家庭式餐馆、特色餐馆以及自助式餐馆等); 1, choose a suitable restaurant (such as: family-style restaurant, features self-service restaurants, as well as restaurants, etc.);

2、餐馆营业时间(上午11:30开门营业,直到夜晚); 2, the restaurant business hours (11:30 am open for business until the night);

3、一般都应事先预订餐位: 3, the general table should be pre-booking:

4、到达餐馆后,不能径直地到餐桌旁入桌,除非餐厅有“随意就坐”的告示; 4, after the arrival of the restaurant, not straight to the table next to the table, unless the restaurant has "free table" notices;

5、付款时,别忘了留给服务员一定比例的小费(一般为实际总额的10%~15%)。 5, payment, do not forget to leave a certain proportion of staff tips (the actual total normally 10% ~ 15%).

随着美国人生活节奏的加快,快餐食品便应运而生。 With the accelerated pace of life of Americans, fast food place. 其快餐连锁店遍及世界各地,其中,影响最大的当属麦当劳快餐连锁店。 Its fast-food chain all over the world, including among the most fast-food chain McDonald's. 供应的快餐食品有:汉堡包、烤牛肉、牛排、火腿、三明治、肯德鸡、油炸土豆片、烘馅饼、冰淇淋以及各种碳酸饮料等。 The supply of fast foods are: hamburgers, roast beef, steak, ham, sandwiches, KFC, fried potato chips, bake pies, ice cream and a variety of carbonated drinks, such as.

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(三)节日 (C) the holiday

1)感恩节 1) Thanksgiving Day

每年11月的最后一个星期四是感恩节。 The last year in November is Thanksgiving Day Thursday. 感恩节是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国人全家欢聚的节日。 Thanksgiving Day is the original American people of an ancient festival, but also Americans of the festival the whole family gathered.

每逢感恩节这一天,美国举国上下热闹非常。 Thanksgiving Day every day, the United States nation robust. 城乡市镇到处举行化装游行、戏剧表演和体育比赛等,学校和商店也都按规定放假休息。 Urban and rural areas around the town to hold make-up demonstrations, theatrical performances and sports competitions, schools and shops are also required to take leave to rest. 孩子们还模仿当年印第安人模样穿上离奇古怪的服装,画上脸谱或戴上面具到街上唱歌、吹喇叭。 The children also like to imitate the Indians was wearing bizarre eccentric clothing, face paint or disguised dependent on the street singing,吹喇叭. 当天教堂里的人也格外多,按习俗人们在这里都要做感恩祈祷。 Church that day were also very many people here by the customs have to do a prayer of Thanksgiving. 美国人从小就习惯独立生活,劳燕分飞,各奔东西,而在感恩节,他们总是力争从天南地北归来,一家人团团围坐在一起,大嚼美味火鸡,畅谈往事,使人感到分外亲切、温暖。 Americans are accustomed to from an early age to live independently,劳燕分飞,各奔东西, and in the Thanksgiving Day, they always strive to return from far apart, sitting together around a family,大嚼delicious turkey, talk about past events, people feel particularly warm warm.

2)圣诞节 2) Christmas

是美国人最大最热闹的节日。 Americans largest and most popular festival. 每年12月25日,全国便沉浸在一派喜气洋洋的节日气氛中。 December 25 each year, the country will be immersed in one group in the festive spirit. 从感恩节过后的第二天,美国人就开始为圣诞节大忙特忙起来。 From the second day after Thanksgiving, Americans began to get busy Christmas special busy. 每家商店都是人流滚滚,商人们要鼓起如簧之舌,推销他们的各种货物,普通人也愿意趁此机会弃旧更新。 Each store are rolling flow, such as business people to summon the tongue spring to sell their goods, people are willing to take this opportunity to turn over a new update.

圣诞夜是一个狂欢的夜晚。 Christmas Eve is a night of revelry. 美国人常常通宵达旦地举行庆祝活动。 Americans are often held all-night celebrations. 人们在小杉树上或小松树上挂满礼物、彩花和彩灯,树顶上还装上一颗大星。 People or in a small fir tree hung Komatsu gifts, flowers and lantern color, the top is also fitted with a big star. 大人们站在一旁欣赏圣诞树,孩子们更是手舞足蹈,甚至手拉手地围着圣诞树跳起欢快的舞蹈。 Great people to enjoy the Christmas tree stood, the children are dancing and even around the Christmas tree holding hands and dance a lively jump. 在公***场所,贺年片上到处都有圣诞老我的形象。 In public places around New Year's card I have the old image of Christmas. 有时在家里也由一人扮成圣诞老人,为大家分发礼物。 Sometimes at home by a person disguised as Santa Claus distributed gifts to everyone.

美国人庆祝圣诞简直可以称得上是狂欢。 Americans celebrate Christmas it can be called a rave. 送礼物和装饰家庭,是他们最重要的庆祝方式。 Send gifts and decorative home is their most important way to celebrate. 每个家庭,都放着大包的礼物。 Every family, have placed a big gift. 孩子们把袜子挂在火炉边,希望圣诞老人在深宵把礼物带来,放进袜子里。 Children socks hanging on the side of the stove, I hope Santa Claus brings gifts to late at night, put in socks.

每一个家庭在12月中旬,便会在市场上选择一株称心满意的圣诞树并装饰得五彩缤纷。 Every family in mid-December, the market will be satisfied with their choice of a decorated Christmas tree and colorful.

青少年都爱在圣诞前夕和圣诞晚上举行派对,许多情窦初开的小伙子,视第一次参加圣诞舞会为人生大事呢! Young love on Christmas Eve and Christmas night parties, many of the young man情窦初开, depending on the first Christmas party to attend this event to life!

3)元旦 3) New Year's Day

北美洲的印第安人在元旦来临之际,喜欢把雄鹰,猫头鹰等飞禽的羽毛用来装饰衣鞋帽,以示吉祥如意。 North American Indians in the New Year's Day approaching, like the eagles, owls and other birds of a feather used to decorate clothing shoes and hats, to show吉祥如意.



礼仪习俗见面:英国人彼此第一次相识时,一般都要握手。 Ritual practices to meet: the first Englishman known to each other, they generally have to shake hands. 除了热恋中的男女,步行时一般人都不手拉手。 Apart from the love of men and women, when people do not walk hand in hand. 英国人不喜欢别人干扰他们的个人生活。 Britons do not want to interfere with their personal life.

当你去访问一个英国人时,得先在门口敲门,一直等到他说“请进”,才能进去。 When you visit, when an Englishman, had to knock at the door, until he said "Come in" in order to go. 先生们进屋脱帽,而女士们则不必在室内脱帽。 Hat inside and gentlemen, and ladies do not have hat indoors.

英国人在日常生活中经常谈论的话题是天气,往往也是第一个话题。 The British in their daily lives often talk about the topic is the weather usually is the first topic.

女士优先与绅士风度:在英国,尊重妇女是体现绅士风度的一个重要方面。 Ms. priority and gentleman: in the United Kingdom, women are respected gentleman embodied an important aspect. 女士优先是一个人人皆知的行为准则。 Ms. priority is a well-known code of conduct.

盥洗室与去“100号”:盥洗室一词的本意为洗手或洗脸的地方,但其实际含义则是厕所,英国人上厕所时不会直截了当地说“去上厕所”。 Lavatory and to "100": the original intention of the word for toilet or wash your face wash your hands, but its actual meaning is the toilet, the toilet will not the British put it bluntly, "the toilet." 如果你想要上厕所,可以说“去男人的房间”,或“去女人的房间”,也可以说“请原谅几分钟”或“我想洗手”等等。 If you want the toilet, it can be said "to the men's room," or "to a woman's room", that is to say, "Please forgive a few minutes" or "I would like to wash their hands" and so on. 小孩子们想要大小便时说“我要去那个地方”。 Urine when the children want to say "I'm going to that place." 在朋友之间和家庭内部,“去100号”则是最常用的说法。 Between friends and family, "to 100" is the most commonly used argument.

送礼和给小费:在英国,仅限于给侍者和出租车司机小费,在饭钱和车费之外多付1/10或1/8的钱。 Gifts and to the tip: In the UK, limited to tip waiters and taxi drivers, in addition to meal and fares pay 1 / 10 or 1 / 8 of the money. 旅店的侍从或铁路搬运工为你服务之后,您也要付少量小费。 Hotel attendants or railway porters to serve you, you have to pay a small amount of tips.

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节日: Festivals:

主要有圣诞,新年,复活节(3月-4月某一天,春分后第一个星期日),感恩节(11月第四个星期四),其他还有BANK HOLIDAY(4月,5月,8月,圣诞节后,一***有四个不定日期的和其他节日相关的星期一),还有皇室宣布日(一般是女王生日等),以上说的是休假的假日,其他还有很多和国际上分享的节日,比如情人节阿,万圣节阿,母亲父亲节阿,都是不休假的。 There are Christmas, New Year, Easter (March -4 on a certain day, the first Sunday after the spring equinox), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), there are other BANK HOLIDAY (4 months, May, August , after Christmas, a total of four dates, and other uncertainties related to the Monday holiday), as well as the royal family announced that day (usually the birthday of the Queen, etc.), more than that is a holiday vacation, there are many other and the international community to share festival, such as Valentine's Day Ah, Ah Halloween, the mother Father's Day Ah, do not leave.

BANK HOLIDAY和女王生日是英国比较特色的节日。 BANK HOLIDAY and the Queen's birthday is the day features the United Kingdom.

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饮食不善于烹饪的英国人,中午或者晚上经常也就是三明治或汉堡。 The British diet are not good at cooking, at noon or at night is often a sandwich or hamburger. 最多就是煮一些清水的豆子吃。 Most water is boiled some beans to eat.

以下是我本人的观察: The following are my observations:

土豆是英国最常见和利用的食物。 Potato is the most common and the use of British food. 烤一个大土豆,切开,里面放上不同的陷料(比如沙拉,肉酱等)。 A large baking potatoes, cut, which placed the settlement of different materials (such as salad, meat, etc.).

英国本土比较有名的食物还有FISH&CHIPS,金黄色的炸鱼十分鲜美,还有外酥里嫩的宽薯条(和麦当劳的不一种),撒上盐和英国的红醋,味道很好。 Comparison of the United Kingdom there is a well-known food FISH & CHIPS, golden fried fish is delicious, and crispy outside and tender in the wide-fries (and not a McDonald's), sprinkled with salt, red vinegar and the United Kingdom, taste good.

本地布丁也是英国特色食物。 Pudding is also a feature of the local British food.

现在的英国由于以前殖民了很多国家,所以食物也很多元化,最常见的就是印度的KEBAB了,一个饼里面加上各种蔬菜,酱料,是HOT(英国把正餐分冷食或热食)的好选择。 Now as a result of the British colonial past of many countries, so food is also very diversified, the most common is KEBAB in India, and a cake inside with a variety of vegetables, sauces, is HOT (to dinner at the British cold or hot food ) a good choice.

英国的下午茶是非常出名的。 Britain is very well-known afternoon tea. 英国的茶,主要有下午茶Afternoon tea(下午4点左右,而非香港般的3点15分),和餐饮High Tea 也叫Meat Tea(下午5-6点)。 British tea, mainly tea Afternoon tea (about 16 o'clock instead of the Hong Kong-like 3:15), and also called High Tea Restaurants Meat Tea (points 5-6 pm). 下午茶主要吃茶点,喝茶或咖啡,而High Tea一般则有冻的肉食,而且不一定喝茶。 The main tea tea, tea or coffee, and High Tea in general are frozen meat, and not necessarily a cup of tea.

英国的茶出名,应该是指印度的大吉岭红茶与伯爵茶、或锡兰高地红茶。 Well-known tea in Britain should be referring to India's Darjeeling and Earl Gray tea, black tea or Ceylon highlands. 当时该地都为英国的殖民地,传统来说,所谓英国红茶,其实就是锡兰红茶为主了。 At that time, for the British colony, the traditional term, the so-called British black tea, Ceylon black tea is mainly a matter of fact the.

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和我们不同的,英国是一个保守而有礼貌的国家,可能让你觉得甚至有些冷淡和死性。 And we are different, the United Kingdom is a country conservative and polite, you may even let you feel cold and death of some. 新一代的英国人很疯狂,不过有意思的是他们老了以后,还会变成很传统的英国人。 A new generation of British people are crazy, but It is interesting that after their old, will become a very traditional British. 而我感觉,我们的孩子小时候被管的很规矩,长大了自由了却经常出格了。 I feel that when our children are the rules to be regulated, has grown up free of the regular bounds.

英国社会非常有制度,插队会遭到所有人的鄙视和白眼。 The British community there is a system, to jump the queue would have been despised and neglected of all. 事实上他们不会有人这样做。 It was a matter of fact they will not do so.