英语学习资料:Green Lantern《绿灯侠》经典电影台词(1)



Hal: Carol. Was gonna do a little flying today. What do you think?

Carol: I think you’re late.

Hal: Yes, but that’s only because I slept in.

Carol: I used to sleep in. Then I turned 11. Let me give you a little heads-up. I’ve gone up against these Sabres all week and they have *** oked me every time. There isn’t anything you can do that they can’t do better, faster...and without disappointing women everywhere.

Hal: I, uh, think we both know that’s not true.

Carol: This is exactly why I didn’t want you for this. My father did. I would’ve gone with Jensen.

Hal: I’d have gone with Jensen too, but unfortunately he’s busy not being good enough.

Carol: At least he shows up. Hal...this test today, it’s important.

Hal: I got it. I’m gonna make you look good up there. Don’t worry, okay? Now let’s get these pants off and fly some planes.

Carol: Highball, weapon check now.

Hal: Roger that.

Tom: Good morning, Mr. Ferris.

Carl Ferris: Morning, everybody.

Tom: Gentlemen.

Carl Ferris: We about ready, Tom?

Tom: Yes, Mr. Ferris. We are go for test. Sapphire, cleared weapons hot at the merge.

Carol: Ferris Test, Sapphire. Weapons are hot. Fly safe, Highball.

Hal: Um, no. Goddamn it! Tom, what the hell you feed those things?

Tom: F-35s, what else?

Hal: Wakey, wakey, Sapphire. You got a clean shot, now would be a great time to take it.

Carol: Easy, Highball. Just lining it up.

Hal: There’s no way we’re taking these out solo. Get over here. Let’s figure something out.

Carol: On my way, Highball.

Hal: Now stay right there and look real pretty.

Tom: Highball, did you just use your wingman as a decoy?

(Hal laughing)

Carl Ferris: Highball, those Sabres headed up your 6 can fly anywhere you can.

Hal: Then let’s go somewhere I can’t fly.

Carl Ferris: What the hell is he up to?

Tom: Coffin corner.

Carl Ferris: Highball, rules of engagement set ceiling at 50,000 feet.

Hal: Yeah, that’s because the Sabres will stall if they go any higher, right, Tom?

Tom: And so will you.

Computer: Compressor stall. Compressor stall. (Alarm blaring)

Tom: Yes! Um, I mean, damn it, Hal.

Officer: Your boy certainly takes his job seriously.

Tom: Ailerons, Hal. Side to side.

Hal: I got it.

(Alarm blaring)

Martin in Hal’s memory: Hal. Keep it warm for me.

Technician: Going through 25,000.

Tom: Hey, you okay there, Highball?

Hal: Yeah, just taking my victory lap.

Technician: Going through 20,000.

Tom: Okay, Highball, give me some roll.

Hal in his memory: Yeah, Dad!

Tom: Hal, do you read me?

Tom: Highball, you’re approaching minimum ejection altitude. Highball, you’re below 10,000 AGL. Spin is unrecoverable. Eject, eject, eject!