
If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me?

Well, I apologise in advance but this may well be a long blog entry...

I shall begin by firstly recounting, or attempting to at least, the events of Saturday night in Lincoln as I recall them. Esquire Fletch, my chaffeur for the evening picked me up at around 6:00pm and we headed for Lincoln with the sound of Queen blasting on the stereo system. We arrived in Lincoln and after a short wait, Wakey met us in Toys r Us carpark at the St. Marks? shopping centre. We walked up to his flat, admired the green carpet of crap-weed on the canal and the stupid swans attempting to eat it! We got to his where he immediately proceeded to introduce us to our first alcohol of the evening, a can of John Smiths, a nice drop! I then went in the shower which wasn't at all bad to be fair! And finally we set-off out.

Our first port-of-call was Yates' in the city centre. As is usually the case three pints of Guiness were in order for me. Fletch started on the 'Wife' and Wakey began his night with some toxic coloured cider, Magners. We discussed all manner of things here and which, eventually gave rise to the infamous Wakey text to Jess P, 'just thinking about you makes me want to cum'! Bad mistake Master Wakefield! We now decided that it may be appropriate to purchase some 'Wife' for later, should we be thirsty. (Probably not the best plan!) So this was taken back to Wakey's crap-shack (flat).

Then, if my memory serves me correctly (which i doubt) we had a walk up to Wetherspoons where three more pints of the black gold were consumed. It was here Fletch began his battle with the Ales and i'm not sure what Wakey drank?! The Guiness began to catch up with me at that point, and fortunately Wakey being Wakey had bought his disabled toilet key along. A treat. I wasn't sick you understand, I simply needed a wee. Why are disabled toilets so much better than normal toilets I wonder? We finally got sick of Wetherspoons when some twat smashed a glass on the adjacent table so we headed of to the Falcon. Here, much to my displeasure, we were greeted by a queue and a bouncer who looked like Imhotep off the film, The Mummy. We only had one extortionately priced drink here before moving on elsewhere.

Now, i think that we headed off to the GlassHouse which wasn't too bad an establishment. The Guiness continued to go down a treat here as did a mysterious drink known as 'purple turtle'! It put hairs on my chest I'll say that much. Now it was time... we would attempt to get in at the SU bar but to our anguish only Lincoln Students were allowed in! However, esquires Fletcher and Wakey hadn't minded waiting in the queue due to the presence of the ladies behind us, I wasn't so interested however. During this wait I also somehow managed to top-up my phone, god knows how this had happened because I had gone blind while at the GlassHouse! After being turned away we made a joint decision of finding somewhere to pee. Behind a wall why not? At this point we saw some girls dancing in a window in some student accommodation and proceeded to tell them to let us in! One of them duely obliged. However, this was an uninteresting part of the evening apart from Wakey getting one of the lasses' numbers. I beleive Fletch's comment was, 'are you gonna get her number or what you c***?!' And he did. Get in there Wakey, I wouldn't be disappointed if you did!

Finally, 'tired', we headed back to Wakey's flat via the pizza shop (which was packed), copious amounts of howling and screaming occured all the way mcuh to the delight of local residents no doubt. When we got in the pizzas were munched a 'Wife' each was opened and the boxes duely discarded out of the window, despite the close proximity to a bin. It was now time to retire to bed.

The morning saw us walk up to the train station only to find that the train was not running. After a quick pop-off to MacDs (not for anything to eat I might add) we headed (by foot) out off Lincoln to meet my mum who was piking us up.

A good trip all in all!

That afternoon, after dropping Fletch back home I went to my Gran's for the last supper as it were (last sunday dinner) before departing to university this Sunday! Finally, when I got in I did some weight-training and went to bed.

Monday morning... woke-up, got ready, went into Mansfield. Plenty of chavs as is usually the case! Picked up a few bits-and-bobs and is usually the case including an awesome Led Zep poster for my uni room and a copy of Razzle (lol. only joking). Charlotte's all I need! And finally I headed home. The rest of the afternoon was spent busily ironing and general stuff in preparation for uni. Football at night was my treat for the day (apart from texting Charlotte). When we got there the ref hadn't turned-up so the two teams convened and decided to just have a kick-about/friendly rather than a full match which we had decided the result was 0-0. The actual kick-about finished 1-1 so not much difference.

Well, thanks for reading, if indeed you did and aren't bored into a comatose state! I love you Charlotte!!!!!!

Random question of the day:

How do you reckon your parents would react if you one day said to them, 'I have something to tell you... I'm gay/lesbian?'

Can't wait for university now, going on Sunday! Can't wait to see Charlotte, around 49 hours until I get into Newcastle!! Mwahaha! Keep blogging!