Great balls of fire



1950年代晚期,一种叫做「摇滚乐」的东西袭卷全美,当时在摇滚乐坛独领风骚的 人,可说是猫王普里斯莱,但是从军迫使他的演艺事业提早结束。在当时,还有谁 能成为猫王的接班人呢? 此时,钢琴技巧一流的摇滚歌手杰瑞李路易斯(Jerry Lee Lewis)以"Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On"一曲打入摇滚乐坛,随后又发行了数首性感的不得了的单曲"Great Balls of Fire" 、 "Breathless" 与"High School Confidential" 等等。

正当大家都以为杰瑞李路易斯要取代猫王的地位时,这位情歌杀手却因为丑闻,扼 杀了自己的演唱事业。他不但在尚未与前任妻子离婚的情况下,娶了一个13岁的未 成年少女,而且这个小新娘竟然是......与他有血缘关系的堂妹!

虽然50年代的摇滚歌手,多以叛逆的形象出现,但是近亲乱伦、重婚这种事情,还 是令人难以下咽,歌迷纷纷打退堂鼓,让杰瑞李路易斯原本狂暴的钢琴演奏,再也 神气不起来了。 东窗事发时,他正在英国巡回演出,场场演出都遭到取消,他只好黯然回到美国, 原本的歌迷们走的走、逃的逃,今非昔比让人不胜唏嘘。

不过,杰瑞李路易斯还不愿意向命运低头,试图在乐坛咸鱼翻身,这个翻身足足花 了他十年的时间,而且他还是从摇滚路线转到乡村音乐路线后,演艺事业才稍有起色。


Great balls of fire

Jerry Lee Lewis

Music & Lyrics : Jerry Lee Lewis

You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain

Too much love drives a man insane

You broke my will, oh what a thrill

Goodness gracious great balls of fire

{ band joins }

I learned to love all of Hollywood money

You came along and you moved me honey

I changed my mind, looking fine

Goodness gracious great balls of fire

You kissed me baba, feels good

Hold me baba, learn to let me love you like a lover should

Your fine, so kind

I'm a nervous world that your mine mine mine mine-ine

I cut my nails and I quiver my thumb

I'm really nervous but it sure is fun

Come on baba, you drive me crazy

Goodness gracious great balls of fire

{ piano solo }

Well kiss me baba, feels good

Hold me baba

I want to love you like a lover should

Your fine, so kind

I got this world that your mine mine mine mine-ine

I cut my nails and I quiver my thumb

I'm real nervous 'cause it sure is fun

Come on baba, you drive me crazy

Goodness gracious great balls of fire

I say goodness gracious great balls of fire...oooh...