急求where did you go 鼓谱

I suggest you visiting the following websites. 1) 管乐星球 -- 乐谱下载天地 gogomusic/ 2) 鱼蛋村音乐区 yud/main/ 3) 虫虫 gangqinpu/ 4) 中国香港流行音乐联盟 chord/guitar/ 5) SOUPU搜谱网 soupu/ 6) 流行曲的鼓谱及吉他谱 mxtabs 7) 小新的吉他馆 gita.idv/ 8) 结他友 guitaryou/guitaryouplus/index 9) 结他友2 guitaryou2/ 10) 结他谱下载天地 guitartabs.cc 11) 中国香港流行钢琴协会 poppiano/ 12) 钢琴曲谱下载 popiano/big5/piano/ 13) 中乐谱交流天地 mayasun.idv/default 14) 流行曲的笛谱 rupert-music/wp/ 15) 中国单簧管网 clarichina/jpxs/class/ 16) 中国古曲网 pu.guqu/dizi/20090321223807_3600%20( These are lots of useful materials for your reference and I am sure you can find what you desired for. Please focus on the first several websites for they have more general materials and catered for you needs more this time. The others are provided for your future use whenever you want to search some relevant free of charge materials in the future. Hope I can help you.

参考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip