"District 9" is a truly global affair. The South African-born Blomkamp learned his trade in Canada, and found a mentor in New Zealand. But it's the location that allows this allegory to resonate.
"District 9" also begs plenty of questions; not much of it makes sense if you stop to think about it. And Blomkamp seriously overplays his hand in the long, thoroughly conventional climactic shoot-'em-up. What should have been a taut 90-minute nightmare flick -- a classic midnight movie -- has somehow pumped up into a 112-minute approximation of a Hollywood action blockbuster.
Still, "District 9" has plenty of material to chew on. Expanded from a six-minute short, it's a brashly confident debut, full of sharp, inventive detail (the prawns are crazy for cat food) and rooted in a couple of Big Ideas. Well worth the time, if not all of it.