20分assuage allay alleviate有什么区别?
relieve, allay, alleviate, assuage, lighten, mitigate,
All of these verbs mean to make something less severe or more bearable. To relieve is to ease and make more endurable something causing discomfort or distress:
Relieve 指缓解或使造成不快或压抑的某事变得可以忍受:
“that misery which he strives in vain to relieve” (Henry David Thoreau).
“他徒劳地奋力去减轻苦难” (亨利·大卫·梭罗)。
“The counselor relieved her fears” (Sir Walter Scott).
“顾问消除了她的恐惧” (瓦尔特·施科特爵士)。
Allay suggests relief at least for the time being from what is burdensome or painful:
Allay 意味着至少是暂时从造成负担或痛苦的事物中解脱出来:
“This music crept by me upon the waters,/Allaying both their fury and my passion/With its sweet air” (Shakespeare).
“在水面音乐爬上我的心头/平息了他们的愤怒和我的热情/用它甜美的声音” (莎士比亚)。
Alleviate connotes temporary lessening of distress without removal of its cause:
Alleviate 指短暂的减轻压抑而没有解决其根源:
“No arguments shall be wanting on my part that can alleviate so severe a misfortune” (Jane Austen). To assuage is to soothe or make milder:
“对我来说要减轻如此严重的不幸,不需要任何争论” (简·奥斯汀)。Assuage 是抚慰或使更适度:
“What shall assuage the unforgotten pain/And teach the unforgetful to forget?” (Dante Gabriel Rossetti).
“什么会抚慰不能忘却的痛苦/并且让无法忘怀的人学会遗忘?” (但丁·加布利亚尔·罗塞蒂)。
Lighten in this comparison signifies to make less heavy or oppressive:
Lighten 在这种比较中指使变得不太沉重或不太压抑:
Congress endeavored to lighten the taxpayers' burden.
Mitigate and palliate connote moderating the severity, force, or intensity of something that causes suffering:
Mitigate 和palliate 都意味着减弱造成痛苦的事物严重性、力量或强度:
“I . . . prayed to the Lord to mitigate a calamity which seemed to me past the capacity of man to remedy” (John Galt).
“我…向上帝祈祷,祈求他减轻这场人力所不能补救的灾难” (约翰·加尔特)。
“His well-known financial ability made men turn to him in the hour of distress, as of all statesmen the most fitted to palliate it” (William E.H. Lecky).
“他广为人知的融资能力使得人们在痛苦的时候向他求助,就象最合适的政治家来减轻它一样” (威廉E·H·勒凯)