'soul'是什么意思
soul:
[
s?ul
]
n.
灵魂,精神
v.
灵魂,心灵
例句与用法
1.
What
good
does
it
do
a
man
if
he
gains
the
whole
world
but
loses
his
soul?
如果一个人得到全世界而丧失了灵魂,这对他有何益处呢?
2.
She
is
a
dear
old
soul.
她是一个可爱的老妇人。
3.
home
without
love
is
no
more
a
home
than
a
body
without
a
soul
is
a
man.
正像没有灵魂的身躯不成其为人一样,没有爱情的家庭也不成其为家庭。
4.
The
soul
is
immortal.
灵魂不灭.
5.
Brevity
is
the
soul
of
wit.
简洁是机智的精髓。
6.
My
soul
doth
magnify
the
Lord.
我的心赞美上主的伟大.