1. Fluffy (like a baby bird; a duckling) 毛茸茸的
2. Amphibious (can live on land and in water; a frog) 两栖的
3. Furry (covered with a thick coat of fur; a bear) 长毛的;毛绒的
4. Ferocious (savagely fierce; a tiger) 凶猛的
5. Tame (domesticated from a state of wildness; a horse) 温顺的
6. Venomous (poisonous; some species of snake) 有毒的
7. Agile (quick in movement; a monkey) 敏捷的
8. Prehistoric (from a time before recorded history; a dinosaur) 古老的;史前的
9. Cuddly (inviting hugging; a kitten) 令人想拥抱的
10. Microscopic (very, very small; an amoeba) 很小的
11. Cold-blooded (body temperature controlled by the sun; a lizard) 冷血的
12. Saltwater (lives in the sea or salty water; a shark) 生活在海中的
13. Scaly (covered with thin protective plates; a fish) 有鳞的
14. Carnivorous (feeding only on meat; a lion) 食肉的
15. Herbivorous (feeding only on plants; a sheep) 食草的
16. Cute (attractive and appealing; a koala) 可爱的
17. Omnivorous (eats both plants and animals; a bear) 杂食的
18. Nocturnal (active at night; an owl) 夜行的
19. Feline (Belong to the cat family, catlike; a jaguar) 猫科的
20. Canine (Belonging to the dog family, doglike; a wolf) 犬科的