AI = Architect's Instruction, 即建筑师按建筑合约条款下的权力向承建商发出的指示. 埋Final Account时要看AI, 把所有指示引致的价钱加/减在结算内列出, 计算出最终的工程做价.
EI = Engineer's Instruction. 和上类同, 不过由工程师发出. 多数出现在土木工程等由工程师作主导的工程. 在这些工程合约内, 建筑师在合约中的角色由工程师所取代.
(另有些合约如医管局的保养合约, 由测量师管理, 就变成Suevryor's Instruction. 其实纯粹是合约内一个角色的称谓, 担当那角色的可以是任何人, 不一定是建筑师/工程师/测量师.)
BQ = Bills of Quantities. 把工程量化, 细项按工种逐项列出, 并列出相关的数量. 招标时承建商就每一项目标价.,AI stands for architect's instruction which involve variations and many cost impilcation
EI suppose to be engineers' instruction which is similar to AI
BQ stands for bills of quantity which is prepared by Qunatity Surveyor use for cacu;ation of the contract sum of the construction item by item, especially needed in tendering process. Any further deletion or addition of works during the construction will need the BQ for reference too since the contractor will mark price in an unpriced BQ
All these affectes the Final accounts,BQ = Bill of Quantities
当你 tender / 中 job 时会 submit 一份 list 包括所有 relevant materials in the job, expected quantity, unit rate, and total price (此谓 BQ), 用作 costing, budgetting, interim payment application / certification, 什至 material / job control
埋final account 时, variation order 会根据 BQ 上的 unit price 计算整个 VO 的 value
如果个 job 是 remeasurement, total value of work = BQ 中的 unit rate x actual quantity
所以, BQ 虽然会在埋final account 时出现, 不过就不是 final account 的一部份
不清楚你什么时候用 AI 和 EI, 不过相信 EI = Electrical Installation,