H.O.T - 1 We Hate All Kind Of Violence… 发行时间:1996年9月7日 主打歌曲:《Candy》 H.O.T - 1 We Hate All Kind Of Violence… 发行时间:1996年9月7日 主打歌:《Candy》 1 Candy (糖果) 2 (爱你多些As much as I love you ) 3 - (战士的后代Descendant of a warrior ) 4 (夕阳下你的身影Your image at sunset ) 5 - , (当你需要我的时候When you need me ) 6 (今天又是烦恼的一天 What a irritating day, today ) 7 Fast Slow (你快我慢You are fast & I am slow ) 8 (个性时代An age of characteristic ) 9 About (子) (关于 女子About women ) H.O.T - 2 Wolf & Sheep 发行时间:June 28TH, 1997 主打歌:《Wolf&Sheep》 1 GO! H.O.T.! (去吧!H.O.T!) 2 ( 狼与羊 Wolf & Sheep ) 3 (为了让你自由的飞Free To Fly ) 4 We Are The Future (我们是未来) 5 (幸福Full Of Happiness) 6 (劣等感The End Of My Inferiority Complex) 7 12 (12岁生日Lost 12th Birthday) 8 Tragedy (悲剧) 9 (你和我You & I) H.O.T - 3 Resurrection 发行时间:September 25TH, 1998 主打歌曲:《Hope》 1 (Hope) (光(希望)) 2 ! ( 遵从Line Up) 3 (斗魂 ,The Sprit Of Fighter) 4 (我们的誓言The Promise Of H.O.T.) 5 H.O.T (House Of Trust) - , (一家之主) 6 In I- - (这首歌献给被这个大环境抛弃的小孩们) 7 Monade 8 Techno Love (制式爱情) 9 You Got Gun? (有枪吗?) 10 ! ( 少年阿!活出奇迹!Boys, Be A Legend!) 11 (独自一人All Alone.) 12 … (你走后Since You've Gone) 13 (合为一体的美好Unity Is As Beautiful As One) 14 Wedding X-mas (X-mas Bonus Track) (圣诞婚礼) H.O.T - 4 I YAH! 发行时间:September15th,1999 主打歌曲:《I yah!》 1 (鬪志, Get It Up!) 2 3 & News 4 ! (I Yah!) 5 , , … 6 The Way That You Like Me 7 (My Girl) 8 8.15 ( 2 …) 9 10 Korean Pride 11 12 Do Or Die 13 14 15 16 (Soul) 17 18 Pu Ha Ha 19 20 (It's Been Raining Since You Left Me) 21 22 (Forever Song) 23 , 24 , (Together,Forever) 中文名: 1. song 斗志 (Git it up!) 2. talk "战争" 3. talk "孩子们&News (1999/6/30,SBS 8点新闻中)" 4. song 孩子啊(I yah!) 5. talk "天空,梦赫……" 6. song The way that you like me 7. song 我的你(My girl) 8. song 8.15(为了第二次独立) 9. talk "信念" 10. song Korean Pride 11. talk "最后的声音" 12. song Do or die 13. talk "告白" 14. song 祝福(Celebrate) 15. talk "朋友" 16. song 灵魂(Soul) 17. talk "笑容" 18. song PU HA HA 19. talk "思慕" 20. song 欢喜 (It`s been raining since you left me) 21. talk "逃离" 22. song 重新再来(Forever song) 23. talk "谢谢,对不起" 24. song 感谢,对不起(Together,Forever) H.O.T - 5 Outside Castle 发行时间:2000年10月2日 主打歌曲:《Outside Castle》 1 Outside Castle (The Castle Outsiders城堡之外) 2 (Delight神秘) 3 ! ! (We Can Do It 对!就是那样!) 4 My Mother 5 (Pray For You梦的祈祷 ) 6 (Wish Of A Blue Bird 青鸟的愿望) 7 Time Will Tell 8 One Last Love 9 Good-Bye (Good-Bye For The Last) 10 For 姸歌 (A Song For Lady) 11 Illusion 12 Natural Born Killer 13 (Abandoned Children被抛弃的孩子们) 14 (Always My Love始终是我的爱人)