

1. 日常用语(Everyday Conversations):

It's scorching outside today.今天外面热死了。

The weather is sweltering; I can't stand it.天气太热了,我受不了。

We're in the midst of a heatwave.我们正处于一次热浪中。

2. 天气预报(Weather Forecasts):

The temperature will reach a scorching 40 degrees Celsius.气温将达到摄氏40度,非常炎热。

A sweltering day with no relief in sight.酷热难耐的一天,看不到任何凉爽的迹象。

Stay hydrated; the heat index is off the charts.保持水分;体感温度异常高。

3. 文学和描写(Literature and Descriptions):

The sun beat down mercilessly, creating a scorching desert landscape.太阳毫不留情地照射下来,形成了一片炎热的沙漠景色。

The asphalt road shimmered in the sweltering heat of midday.中午酷热的阳光下,柏油路在阳光下泛着光芒。

She wiped her brow, trying to find relief from the scorching sun.她擦了擦额头,试图逃离灼热的阳光。

4. 自然灾害(Natural Disasters):

The scorching temperatures exacerbated the drought conditions.酷热的温度加剧了干旱状况。

Wildfires raged under the sweltering sun.在炎热的阳光下,野火肆虐。

The heatwave led to water shortages and crop failures.热浪导致了水源短缺和农作物歉收。
