(歌词:In giants we believe they are watching tiny islands in the sea floating, hoping. Let us dare to live out while the giants sleeps, in silence I will dream on. And little by little im steppin out. When the walls come tumblin down. Will the stones expose or bury me? )
偶听《Something just like this》,虽不谙音律,才睹歌词,已如笙磬同音,宛然中节,所谓淡语皆有味,浅语皆有致,颇有唐宋词风。古希腊之Achilles、Hercules得与科幻人物之蜘蛛侠、蝙蝠侠、超人并举,似信手拈来,不假锻冶,而有烁古熔今之妙。遂稍留意其他,如AlanWalker之《Faded》《Giants》,All Time Low之《Kids in the Dark》,Arctic Lake之《Further》,词义晦远,隐喻迭出,可谓意象百锤炼。佳作纷然,大出意外。西人传情达意,着色秾丽,如出《花间》词人之手;而吐语爽迈,淋漓酣畅,佳处天然有后主东坡之风。二十年前读碰壁《荷塘集》,情景庶几近之。