
平凡之路 The road to mediocre life

徘徊着的在路上的 You who are wondering on the road

你要走吗 are you moving forward

易碎的骄傲着 You who are fragile and stolz

那也曾是我的模样 that’s also who I was

沸腾着的不安着的 You who are uneasy and seething

你要去哪 where are you going

谜一样的沉默着的 You who are mute and riddling

故事你真的在听吗 the story are you really listening

我曾经跨过山和大海 I once toiled through mountains and seas

也穿过人山人海 also the crowds of humanities

我曾经拥有着的一切 Everything I ever possessed

转眼都飘散如烟 now all drift away like mist

我曾经失落失望失掉所有方向 I was once frustrated, disappointed and lost on the road

直到看见平凡才是唯一的答案 until found that mediocre life was the only answer

当你仍然还在幻想 While you are still cherishing conceit

你的明天 your future

她会好吗还是更烂 will it be better or worse further

对我而言是另一天 To me, it’s the different

我曾经毁了我的一切 I once destroyed my everything

只想永远的离开 just for ever-leaving

我曾经堕入无边黑暗 I once fell into boundless gloom

想挣扎无法自拔 struggled but failed to extricate myself

我曾经像你像他像那野草野花 I was just like you the ordinary people and the wild plants

绝望着渴望着哭着笑着平凡着 despaired, aspired, cried and laughed in mediocre performance

向前走就这么走 Moving forward just like this

就算你被给过什么 even though you have been given nothing

向前走就这么走 Moving forward just like this

就算你被夺走什么 even though you have been taken something

向前走就这么走 Moving forward just like this

就算会错过什么 even though you may miss something

向前走就这么走 Moving forward just like this

就算会 even though

我曾经堕入无边黑暗 I once fell into boundless gloom

想挣扎无法自拔 struggled but failed to extricate myself

我曾经像你像他像那野草野花 I was just like you the ordinary people and the wild plants

冥冥中这是我唯一要走的路啊 this is the doomed road I shall pursue and face

时间无言如此这般 Time keeps silence as so and so

明天已在眼前 here comes the tomorrow

风吹过的路依然远 The wind-off road is still far away

你的故事讲到了哪 where is the line of your story