求罗百吉《暗恋》歌词英文部分
我偷偷暗恋
孩
直都
敢说
口
知
否
我
拥
般
受
每
我想看着
我
跳
扑通扑通跳
停
种
觉
叫
我偷偷暗恋
男孩
直都
敢说
口
知
否
我
拥
般
受
每
我看想着
我
情
飞
远
远
所谓
Are
you
secretly
my
Peach
Girl
did
not
dare
say
that
the
export
do
not
know
whether
you
also
have
the
real
damage,
like
me,
feel
Every
time
when
want
to
look
at
you
my
heart
would
skip
a
non-stop
thump
thump
Is
this
feeling
called
love
Secret
Love
You
secretly
do
not
dare
say
the
boys
have
been
export
do
not
know
whether
you
also
have
the
real
damage,
like
me,
feel
Every
time
when
think
of
you
watch
my
heart
will
fly
much
better
much
better
Is
this
the
so-called
love