there's two kinds of people in this world when you boil it all down(这个世上归根结底只有两种人)you've got your talkers and you've got your doers(一种是空谈者,一种是实干者)Most people are just talkers.All they got is talk.(多数人只是空谈者,只会空谈)But when all is said and done,it's the doers who change this world.(但到最后,改变世界的是实干者)And when they do that,they change us(改变世界的同时,也改变了我们)And that's why we never forget them.(因此我们才永远不会忘记他们)So,which one are you?(那么你是哪一种人?)Do you just talk about it(你只是空谈)or do you stand up and do something about it?(还是站出来做些事情?)Because believe you me,all the rest of it is just coffeehouse bullshit(相信我,其他任何选择都只是在咖啡馆中的胡扯闲谈)