1、世界顶尖的雷鬼音乐家吉米.克里夫(Jimmy Cliff)曾创作了这样一首了不起的歌曲,其歌名为《我想!我做!我得到!》。这六个字则把一个人怎样在一生中取的成功的经过进行了概括。
There's a great song out there by Jimmy Cliff, one of reggae's top artists, that in six words summarizes just how you succeed in life: I want! I do! I get!?
He makes these East-West blends of music that combine classical Indonesian lullabies with reggae groove and early-days Stevie Wonder funk-it's hard to explain, but he should be famous.?
3、当我十几岁的时候我迷上了雷鬼,和JohnnyWinter那样的布鲁斯吉他手As a teenager I was obsessed ragtime, and bluesy guitar guys like Johnny Winter.