Mad World的歌词


All around me are familiar faces 周围全是一成不变的面孔

Worn out places worn out faces 破落的周遭 疲惫的神情

Bright and early for their daily races 天一亮就早早开始他们日复一日的追逐

Going nowhere going nowhere (我)无处可去 无处安身

And their tears are filling up their glasses 他们的泪水正在盈满镜框

No expression no expression (却) 脸色木然 毫无表情

Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow 埋下头 想要浸没在我的悲楚中

No tomorrow no tomorrow 不要明天 没有未来

And I find it kind of funny 有种荒诞的感觉

I find it kind of sad 感到难过

The dreams in which I'm dying 那些我濒死般的梦境

Are the best I've ever had 却成为仅有的美好

I find it hard to tell you 我发现很难向你倾诉

('cause) I find it hard to take 因它实在难已启齿

When people run in circles 当人们的日子就这么循环往复

It's a very very 这也就成了一个非常非常

Mad World 恒常的世界

Mad World 疯癫的世界

Children waiting for the day they feel good 孩子们期待着他们可感知的美好

"Happy Birthday Happy Birthday "(仿佛)"生日快乐,生日快乐"(在耳边响起)

Made I feel the way that every child should 而 我也懂得 (为了这样) 孩子们才

Sit and listen sit and listen 坐下听讲,端坐听从

Went to school 但 坐在校园里

and I was very nervous 我却局促不安

No one knew me no one knew me 没人能懂我 无人懂得

Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson 老师你好,告诉我我要学的是什么

Look right through me look right through me 目光扫过 视而不见

And I find it kind of funny 有种荒诞的感觉

I find it kind of sad 感到难过

The dreams in which I'm dying 那些我濒死般的梦境

Are the best I've ever had 却成为仅有的美好

I find it hard to tell you 我发现很难向你倾诉

('cause) I find it hard to take 因它实在难已启齿

When people run in circles 当人们的日子就这样循环往复

It's a very very 这也就成了一个非常非常

Mad World 恒常的世界

Mad World 错乱的世界

Mad world 无聊的世界

Mad World 疯癫的世界


All around me are familiar faces 围绕着我的全是相似的面孔

Worn out places worn out faces 颓旧的地方,疲乏的脸

Bright and early for their daily races 天亮 早起 为了他们每天的赛跑

Going nowhere going nowhere 却无所抵达 无所抵达

And their tears are filling up their glasses 泪水盈满了他们镜框

No expression no expression 仍面无表情 面无表情

Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow 把头深埋 我想沉溺于我的悲怆

No tomorrow no tomorrow 不要明天 没有明天

And I find it kind of funny 我又感到这有些滑稽

I find it kind of sad 有些悲伤

The dreams in which I'm dying 那些我将要死去的梦

Are the best I've ever had 却是我最好的回忆

I find it hard to tell you 我发觉这很难告诉你

('cause) I find it hard to take 因为它们很难去接受

When people run in circles 人们就这样重复地奔忙

It's a very very 这真是一个

Mad World 疯狂的世界

Mad World疯狂的世界

Children waiting for the day they feel good 孩子们期盼着让他们感到愉快的日子

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday 快乐的生日 生日快乐

Made to feel the way that every child should 让人感觉每个孩子都该

Sit and listen sit and listen 坐好细听 坐好细听

Went to schooland I was very nervous 去上学使我很紧张

No one knew me no one knew me 没人懂我 没人懂我

Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson 老师你好,告诉我课程是什么

Look right through me look right through me 却视而不见 视而不见

And I find it kind of funny 我又感到这有些滑稽

I find it kind of sad 有些悲伤

The dreams in which I'm dying 那些我将要死去的梦境

Are the best I've ever had 却是我最美好的回忆

I find it hard to tell you 我发现这很难告诉你

('cause) I find it hard to take 因为它们很难去接受

When people run in circles 人们就这样重复地奔忙

It's a very very 这真是一个

Mad World 疯狂的世界

Mad World 疯狂的世界



—Roland Orzabal (此曲作者)


—Curt Smith (此曲演唱者)