Odysseus犹如振翅翱翔的雄鹰,囿于一隅多年,心志坚定如初,无论是顺境还是逆境,他总是心怀美好,充满理智的谈吐为他赢得了天神和凡人的频频眷顾。Telemachus有如刚出鸟巢的小雏鸟,是那么的胆怯羞涩,正如他自己对Athena所袒露的,“How can I greet him, Mentor, even approach the king? I’m hardlyadept at subtle conversation. Someone my age might feel shy, what’s more,interrogating an older man.”
Here I am at your mercy, princess— are you?a goddess or a mortal? If one of the gods who rule the skies up there, you’re?Artemis to the life, the daughter of mighty Zeus—I see her now—just look at?your build, your bearing, your lithe?owing grace…But if you’re one of the mortals living here on earth, three times?blest are your father, your queenly mother, three times over your brothers too.Compassion—princess, please! You, after all that I have suffered, you are thefirst I’ve come to. I know no one else,none in your city, no one in your land. Show me the way to town, give me a ragfor cover, just some cloth, some wrapper you carried with you here.
再来看看Telemachus,在第3、4章节中,Telemachus拜访了父亲故交Nestor和Menelaus,询问父亲的下落。在皮洛斯城拜访King Nestor的时候,Telemachus开场只用了“Nestor, son of Neleus,Achaea’s pride and glory”作为问候语,之后便是长篇叙说父亲至今下落不明,可否念及与他父亲的情分,如实告知自己知道的消息。如此急切的请求方式让人不免不快:难道我会故意隐瞒消息吗?我堂堂一国之主是那样的人吗?
Look, Pisistratus—joy of my heart, myfriend— the sheen of bronze, the blaze of gold and amber, silver, ivory too,through all this echoing mansion! Surely Zeus’s court on Olympus must be justlike this, the boundless glory of all this wealth inside! My eyes dazzle … I amstruck with wonder.
Much as you long to see your wife, the one?you pine for all your days … and yet I just might claim to be nothing less than?she, neither in face norfigure.?Hardly right, is it, for mortal woman to rival immortal goddess? How, in buildin beauty?
在感情方面,女人总是那么的敏感,又喜欢吃醋,即便是天神的Calypso,也疑惑自己在容貌,身段和皮肤方面比不上Odysseus家里的凡人妻子,所以Odysseus日日思念着家乡?这个问题无疑是“大老婆和小老婆同时落水,你救哪一个?” 明智的Odysseus自然两个人都不能伤害,他将自己浓烈的思乡说成想念故乡的土地,不提妻子Penelope,安慰了Calypso那颗受伤的心,是那么的善解人意。
Ah great goddess, don’t be angry with me,please. All that you say is true, how well I know. Look at my wise Penelope.She falls far short of you, your beauty, stature. She is mortal after all andyou, you never age or die … Nevertheless I long—I pine, all my days— to travel homeand see the dawn of my return.
“Never, your majesty, that will never cometo pass, I know. What you say dumbfounds me, staggers imagination! Hope, hopeas I will, that day will never dawn … not even if the gods should will it so.”
Telemachus! What’s this nonsense slipping?through your teeth? It’slight work for a willing god to save a mortal even half the world away.
但是无知无畏的Telemachus不以为然,继续表示对父亲Odysseus回归的不相信:distraught as we are forhim, let’s speak of this no more. My father’s return? It’s inconceivable now.Long ago the undying gods have sealed his death, his black doom.