




迪士尼电影《歌舞青春3》将在2008年秋季上映:《歌舞青春》原是2006年迪士尼播出的一部电视电影,在青少年中颇具人气,曾刮起热潮、获奖无数。今年暑假这部影片登陆中央电视台电影频道(CCTV-6),而在美国《歌舞青春2》也再次创下收视纪录,并夺得美国青少年选择大奖(TEEN CHOICE AWARDS 2007)最佳电视电影奖在内的多项大奖。受此鼓舞的迪士尼于是决定将《歌舞青春》搬上大银幕,故事将接着前两集。

1. Now Or Never- HSM Cast 《更待何时》大合唱

Most of you know but just a recap it in the basketball game!


2. Wow!- Tiara, Jimmy, Donnie 《哇哦!》

New Sophomores Walk into east high! they are walking around together looking at everything and acting really weird haha sounds cool!


3. My Shadow - Troy, Chad, Sharpay, Tiara, Jimmy, Donnie 《我的影子》

Takes Place in the gym when Chad and troy tell Donnie and jimmy to meet up for basket ball training but it turns out the Theater was full so Sharpay and Tiara are there rehearsing!


4. Boys Are Back - Troy And Chad

Troy and Chad are running around a junk yard smashing and banging trash can together and smashing car windows in the junk yard!


5. I Want It All- Sharpay And Ryan 《我全都要》

Massive cafeteria scene when there are over 500 kids dancing and singing!


6. You Think You Know What’s Best- Gabriella and Sharpay 《你自以为是要得到最好》

A sing off outside between Sharpay and Gabriella when Sharpay tries to steel troy Gabriella get fed up with it and screams at her and they start to sing!


7. Right Here, Right Now- Troy And Gabriella 《此时此地》

This is the first song in the Play when troy and Gabriella are sitting in the tree we all saw in the first movie!


8. Our Prom Time!- HSM Cast 《毕业舞会开始了!》

This is a big number where the whole cast get dressed up for prom time!


9. Sing Just To Dance- Sharpay and Tiara 《载歌且舞》

The sing off between Sharpay and Tiara It is about 7 minutes long witch makes it the longest movie In HSM History!


10. A Night To Remember- HSM Cast 《难忘今宵》

This song was planed to be the last song in the Play! It is mostly sung by Gabriella but there are parts where The whole cast Join In!


11. Wait Don’t Go!- Ryan 《等一下别走!》

This song it the only Solo in the movie! When everyone starts to leave as the play is finishing, Ryan runs Out grabs the mic Tells Kelsi to play any tune and he’ll sing to it!


12. May I Have This Dance? -Troy And Gabriella 《能和我跳支舞么?》

At stanford university when troy is going to surprise Gabriella there and he jumps out of a tree and they start to sing!


13. We’re All In This Together (Graduation Version)- HSM Cast 《大家一起来》

There are Extra Versus in this one where Chad and taylor sing and the new sophmores and takes place during graduation!


14. High School Musical - HSM Cast 《高校音乐剧》

Takes Place as soon as evryone graduates!


15. 1st Credit Song -(winner of HSM: Get In The Picture) 第一首片尾曲


16. 2nd Credit Song (Start Of Something New)*REMIXED*- Zac Efron And Vanessa Hudgens


17. What Did you Think?- Zac Efron 《感觉如何?》