You motherfuckers kill me
Why yall niggas don't ever talk that shit when we be in the physical form?
Why yall niggas get all shy when we right there next to you at the premiere's and shit?
Yall niggas get alot of heart when you get in the studio, huh?
Get that can the man motherfucker wanna talk shit on the mic
Well do this for me, would you?
Next time you get the notion to talk some shit about an Outlaw nigga
Or a nigga from the west side the best side, call me
Call me nigga, reach out and touch a nigga, cause uh
If you don't do that and I hear one of you niggas sayin somethin on a record, ha
Expect me nigga like you expect Jesus to come back
Expect me nigga, I'm comin'
西方价值观人,生命固然重要医生也不傻不会白白放弃生命,他选择这么做是他的血液里没有奴性,杀死农场主后医生对姜戈说了一句是打动奥斯克的原因,I couldn't resistant,是啊要是我我也会毫不犹豫以牙还牙,大不了二十年后还是一条汉子,如果在这种时候轻易丢弃自己的信仰估计下辈子连牛马都不如了