
The book is reallycomplex. The main character could go and back in the time. In the book, authorcreate a lot of different setting, I was confused sometime when I reading thebook. There abundant number of slangs were appeared in some charpter, my vocabularyis limited, the book is also hard to read for me.

The protagonist can able to see his bie andgo through the time. He does not even care the exist of time. In my point ofview he is crazy guy, even a mental. The super power was not a good thing, itprobaly alter his perspective of something,. His “super power” be called “timetravel”. In the time travel, the bombing of Dresden on 1945 and he was abductedby alines, these tow thing is most significant arrangement of the novel. He hadtried to send his letter to new aegcy and publish evaryting that happened onhimself.

The frist time when he discover his superpower, he was a normal people. On the beginning he considered a lot of questionhe want to find the answer to save those question. So he go through the pastand future for find those answer.

Actually the norval reflect the autor’s moodso much. Now I want to introduce the author : Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007), he is GermanAmerican, his ancestors from Germany. During the WW1, in American societypeople hate Germany so much, and the Germans and their descendants subject todiscrimination, which gave Vonnegut young mind to leave a dark shadow.

Tuen back the story. The bombing of Dresdenon 1945, the event is effecting for Billy. Billy isborn in 1922 in Ilium, New York. He is a weak awkward man. After simpletraining, he sent to Europe right in the middle of the Battle of the Bulge. Hewas captured by Germany. The bombing happening during he in the concentratuoncamp, whnen the bombing action over.P.O.W and four guards should walk to the suburbs, during the walking, theycould not get any food and water. innkeepers stable these US P.O.W for a while, but soon the authoritiesround up POWs to excavate the city for bodies. After the work, Billy and theother men return to the stable to wait out the rest of the war.

The war made Billy get mental breakdown, buthe still married Valencia, her father is rich man, he may be can help Billyilttele while. Billy and Valencia have two children. On the night of hisdaughter's wedding, Billy (as he claims) is kidnapped by aliens from the planetTralfamadore. They take him to their world and put him in a zoo, where he mateswith an actress called Montana Wildhack. And he used time travel . they return him to a earth. So no onenotices that he has been missing for months. He says nothing about the eventsuntil he suffers head injuries in a plane crash. And he runs off to New Yorkand goes on a radio talk show to talk about his alien abduction experiences.

Billy know how he will die, Billy was killed by a high-powered laser gun.