都是因为你 几个句子翻译
1 他现在变成这个样子,都是因为你
It's you that make him so.
2 他为了那个女孩放弃了自己的工作。
He gave up his job for that girl.
3 那个女孩不值得你去爱。
That girl don't deserve your love.
4 你不值得为了她,而辞职。
You are not deserved to quit the job for her.
5 我不会为了你 而 改变 自己的梦想 / 自己的计划
I will not change my dream/plan for you.
6 我下班后给你打电话,到时候你开车来接我。
I'll call you when I get off work, then you drive to pick me up.
我下班前20分钟,会打电话 / 会发短信给你。
I'll call you/ send you short message 20 minutes in advance of my work off.