
这首歌出自 Era 第三张专辑《The Mass》里的同名作品——它其实并非传说中所谓的“德国党卫军第一装甲师战歌——SS闪电部队在前进”.这实在是网络上典型的以讹传讹.

“The Mass”从风格上它传承了 Eric Levi 匠心独具的融合流行、摇滚及古典乐,经过截枝去叶后而产生简洁有力的音乐风格,颇具魔幻色彩,给人无限的想像空间:时而如摩西开海的壮阔,时而又像沙漠中拖动巨石的孤寂;从来源上讲它来自于脍炙人口的“Carmina Burana 布兰诗歌”中的《O Fortuna》(哦,命运)与《Era II》的经典曲目“Divano”的***熔一炉;从语言上讲歌曲所唱的并非德语或法语,而确实是拉丁语。

原歌词拉丁文 / 汉语 / 英文:

(O Fortuna 哦命运,O Fortune,

velut luna 象月亮般 like the moon

statu variabilis, 变化无常,you are changeable,)

——这句是“哦命运”中才有的,至于为什么在“The Mass”会去掉,我不清楚:)

semper crescis (这句和下一句合起来的)ever waxing

aut decrescis;(意思是“盈虚交替”)and waning;

vita detestabilis 可恶的生活 hateful life

nunc obdurat 把苦难 first oppresses

et tunc curat 和幸福 and then soothes

ludo mentis aciem, 交织;as fancy takes it;

egestatem, 无论贫贱 poverty

potestatem 与富贵 and power

dissolvit ut glaciem. 都如冰雪般融化消亡。it melts them like ice.

Sors immanis Fate - 可怕而 monstrous

et inanis, 虚无的命运之轮,and empty,

rota tu volubilis, 你无情地转动,you whirling wheel,

status malus, 你恶毒凶残,you are malevolent,

vana salus 捣毁所有的幸福 well-being is vain

semper dissolubilis, 和美好的企盼,and always fades to nothing,

obumbrata 阴影笼罩 shadowed

et velata 迷离莫辨 and veiled

michi quoque niteris; 你也把我击倒;you plague me too;

nunc per ludum 灾难降临 now through the game

dorsum nudum 我赤裸的背脊 I bring my bare back

fero tui sceleris. 被你无情地碾压。to your villainy.

Sors salutis 命运摧残着 Fate is against me

et virtutis 我的健康 in health

michi nunc contraria, 与意志,and virtue,

est affectus 无情地打击 driven on

et defectus 残暴地压迫,and weighted down,

semper in angaria. 使我终生受到奴役。always enslaved.

Hac in hora 在此刻 So at this hour

sine mora 切莫有一丝迟疑;without delay

corde pulsum tangite; 为那最无畏的勇士 pluck the vibrating strings;

quod per sortem 也已被命运击垮,since Fate

sternit fortem, 让琴弦拨响,strikes down the string man,

mecum omnes plangite! 一同与我悲歌泣号!everyone weep with me!

