年份 电影 角色 1975 The Racer Ecco 1977 决斗的人(The Duellists) Man shaving General Treillard 1983 Fords on Water Winston's Boss 1984 A Private Function Douglas J. Nuttol the Butcher 1988 The Dressmaker Jack Number 27 Becket 午夜刺杀令(To Kill a Priest) Josef Distant Voices, Still Lives Father 1990 哈姆雷特(Hamlet) Player King 1992 异形歼击令(Split Second) Paulsen 异形3(Alien 3) David 水之乡(Waterland) Henry Crick The Last of the Mohicans) Captain Beams 1993 Anchoress William Carpenter以父之名(In the Name of the Father) Giuseppe Conlon 1994 Suite 16 Glover 1995 普通嫌疑犯(The Usual Suspects) Mr. Kobayashi 1996 When Saturday Comes Ken Jackson 飞天巨桃历险记(James and the Giant Peach) Old Man 魔龙传奇(Dragonheart) Brother Gilbert of Glockenspur 犯罪时刻(Crimetime) Sidney 罗密欧与茱丽叶(Romeo + Juliet) Father Lawrence 奏出新希望(Brassed Off) Danny 1997 毒蛇之吻(The Serpent's Kiss) Thomas Smithers 侏罗纪公园:失落的世界 Roland Tembo Bandyta Sincai 断锁怒潮(Amistad) William S. Holabird 1998 Among Giants Ray 1999 The Divine Ryans Uncle Reg Ryan Wayward Son Ben Alexander 2000 逆我者亡(When the Sky Falls) Martin Shaughnessy 当老爸变成老鼠(Rat) Hubert Flynn 挑战生死线(Ring of Fire)2001 Cowboy Up Reid Braxton 真情快递(The Shipping News) Tert Card 2002 凸槌刺客(Triggermen) Ben Cutler 陌路天使(Between Strangers) John 2003 The Selfish Giant Arthur 2004 知法犯法(The Limit) Gale Strange Bedfellows Russell McKenzie 2005 Red Mercury Gold Commander 鬼水(Dark Water) Veeck 不朽的园丁(The Constant Gardener) Dr. Lorbeer/ Dr. Brandt 倩影刺客(?on Flux) Keeper 2006 Valley of the Heart's Delight Albion Munson 天魔(The Omen) Father Brennan 2007 Ghost Son Doc 戒,情人(Closing the Ring) Quinlan 2008 Player Colin 2009 愚蠢年代(The Age of Stupid) The Archivist 所罗门传奇(Solomon Kane) William Crowthorn Waving at Trains Douglas 2010 诸神之战(Clash of the Titans) Spyros 盗梦空间(Inception) Maurice Fischer 城中大盗(The Town) Fergus 'Fergie' Colm